That bond yields have reached record highs is indicative that the Fed rate policy HAS NOT stopped rising inflation. Higher consumer spending is also not necessarily a signal of economic growth but a result of persistent inflation. More importantly the increase in US Treasury securities is due to the out of control federal govt budget deficit. That 2-year yields is higher than 10-year leading to an inverted yield curve is very troubling. Why bother investing in the stock market with its inherent...
How can the US economy continue to grow when inflation is NOT under control. corporate profits are declining, so many indicators of an economy tipping into recession. Data like jobs numbers are fudged, banks are struggling, corporate debt is ballooning while consumer debt is off the charts. Corporate bankruptcy is all time high. So many signals yet people still want to believe all is well.
$Sea (SE.US)$ Down 5.5% today and I am so in the money. Soft landing is turning out to be soft crashing. Nice holiday paid for.
$RLX Technology (RLX.US)$
Just no sustaining power. Hard to maintain a stable price level
Just no sustaining power. Hard to maintain a stable price level
$RLX Technology (RLX.US)$ Yesterday drop 10%, today drop 3% so far... don't know where it will drop to...sigh
$RLX Technology (RLX.US)$ Drop below USD 2 yet again
$RLX Technology (RLX.US)$ Drop below $2. Not enough energy to go above $2.50 anymore. Sigh...
Company name should be changed to Debit Suisse
Ixy The Cat OP 风起 : US big money printing started during Covid-19. Now they are pumping money to fight Russia and now China. Never mind about the economy...