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JacksonLoh Male ID: 102757019
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    Writing a 2021 review to win free stock 2021 was a tumultuous year. It has witnessed the rise of emoji pack inventory, from $GameStop (GME.US)$and WallStreeBets in early January, all the way to the moon $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$In June. Following the 2020 pandemic, the S&P 500 rose 100% in 354 trading days*.At a time when chips are in short supply, investors are also keeping a close eye on technology stocks. Not to mention Elon Musk and Donald Trump in $Tesla (TSLA.US)$with $Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC.US)$. What a great year! *Source: CNBC Market NewsLook back on your 2021 and win free stockAs 2021 comes to an end, moomoo invites you to write your own review of your 2021 trade trip, look back at that year, and look forward to 2022.Join the discussion on “2021 Review: My Investment Journey Struggles Forward” and claim your prize now! Event duration: Now through December 31, 11:59 p.m. EST Rewards*: 1. The top 40 posts will receive free shares in the price range of $5 to $30.2. 9 Year Growth Star** will receive free shares ranging from $20 to $50.3. All relevant posts with at least 20 words will be rewarded with 88 points. *Participants have the chance to become Growth Stars of the Year until December 23, a title given to you by the moomoo community in recognition of your efforts in 2021. We'll award a badge to Growth Stars on your profile page to recognize your progress and achievements. Growth Star will randomly receive a small Moomoo statue and a free stock, with prices ranging from $20 to $50. *Note: Of the above three rewards, one person can only receive one. Selection Criteria: (For top 40 posts and growing stars) 1. Content Quality: Full 2021 Review. 2. Has excellent typography ability, order history, stock trends, or other useful charts. 3. User interaction with posts. 4. Relevant stock codes have been added.How do I join? Click here and join the discussion below for a chance to win free shares! It's so easy!Don't know what to write? Ask yourself these three questions! 1. How is your trading performance?As the end of 2021 approaches, it's time to take a look back to see if you can make money after 2021! Where did you put your money? Are your stocks giving you good returns? What are the highlights of your deal this year?Reviewing your trading performance is a way to acknowledge your successes and shortcomings to improve your trading skills. Let's take a look at what are the features of moomoo that you can use to help write your review here. Two: What have you learned from trading? Maybe you've made money, learned a new trading technique, developed a good trading mentality, got rid of bad habits, and gained more confidence.Even though 2021 might not be the best year for trading, time will definitely pay you back with something bigger than money, which is amazing! What lessons have you learned and what progress have you made? Now write down the trading knowledge you've learned over the past year! Three: What cool things have you done?2020 was probably the worst year for so many people, like COVID-19, that claimed so many innocent lives. Will 2021 be better with you? What's your story this year? Did you meet any good partners during the transaction process?We're all listening to your amazing stories! Remember, no matter what happens, your moo friend will always be there for you. One last word: 2022 will be everything you want to look forward to. It's not just about learning lessons from what didn't work in 2021, but also about learning, acknowledging, and sincerely appreciating what worked in the past. If you want to thrive, you should let yourself be happy and truly immerse yourself in it.Happy (almost) 2022, and remember, this year—it's going to be the way you want it to be. Join the discussion and get rewarded now! Click here: “2021 Review: My Investment Journey Struggles Ahead” * Write down your original idea: Plagiarism or cheating is not allowed in any activity involving moomoo. If you see a suspicious post, please “Report” it. Once confirmed, committed users will be disqualified from participating in the event.