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Setbacks make a better investor as long as you learn the right lesson and try again.
I had a share of Chesapeake Energy (CHK). It was worth about $5 at first, and gradually declined to less than a dollar. The news about the company was all bad and I assumed it was going to zero gradually, and I sold at a loss. Now it's trading over $100 per share. The lesson is you never know what will happen, never sell for a pittance if you don't need the money, and don't ...
I had a share of Chesapeake Energy (CHK). It was worth about $5 at first, and gradually declined to less than a dollar. The news about the company was all bad and I assumed it was going to zero gradually, and I sold at a loss. Now it's trading over $100 per share. The lesson is you never know what will happen, never sell for a pittance if you don't need the money, and don't ...
This market is showing me that I don't panic sell, but I also sympathize so poorly with those who do panic that I cannot time a market peak. I always can't help but think we're near the bottom, so why sell now? Hence, very low cash holdings.
A discussion like this is usually implicitly about how to outperform the market. However, if I can jump outside the investor paradigm for a second, a person can do very well in their investments and still fail to build wealth because they're not controlling their expenses. I would actually rate this as the number one requirement for building wealth, because out-of-control spending has the ability to ruin any other efforts you make. Even very wealthy people can fall victim t...
1.) Please make it possible to link Moomoo in Plaid, most of my banks require it.
2.) Crypto! And that Will help me put money in too.
2.) Crypto! And that Will help me put money in too.