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jmby Private ID: 102470473
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    jmby voted
    $Twitter (Delisted)(TWTR.US)$
    Personally I don’t think so.
    Can’t let one man shake the whole boat.
    Really uncertain if it’s going up or down. Hold tight and stay safe guys.
    jmby voted
    $Taiwan Semiconductor(TSM.US)$ $Apple(AAPL.US)$ the costs of components and materials are rising significantly, which leads to higher prices for the production chain of technology companies.The semiconductor industry is directly suffering this cost increase, comments the TSMC leader, citing uncertainties regarding the global economy for 2022.
    Bank of America said that the iPhone maintains a high demand amid rumors that Apple res...
    TSMC predicts shrinking global cell phone sales, but iPhone keeps demand high.
    TSMC predicts shrinking global cell phone sales, but iPhone keeps demand high.
    jmby voted
    Welcome back Mooers.
    In today discussion, we will talk about trading the news.
    Many of us would have heard news about Mr. Trump own social media TMTG, which came with a mission, that is to give a voice to all. The price of $Trump-Related Stocks(LIST2592.US)$ stocks such as $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$ and $Phunware(PHUN.US)$ “went to the moon” when the news came out. At one point, $Phunware(PHUN.US)$ made a heroic rise of 1099.35%!
    Beside the O...
    jmby voted
    Welcome back Mooers.
    In today discussion, we will talk about US jobless claims that hit 3-month high.
    Last week (10 Jan 2022 to 15 Jan 2022) saw the jobless claims increased from 55,000 to 286,000, which is the highest level since mid-October 2021. This is also the third straight weekly increase in jobless claims.
    According to Reuters, the increase may have been influenced by the unfavourable seasonal factors after the holid...
    Do the leap of faith, jump out of the boat and fly to the moon!
    Do the leap of faith, jump out of the boat and fly to the moon!
    jmby commented on
    Dear mooers,
    We are coming to the end of a very unusual year full of uncertainty. Whether good or bad, we all witnessed the history.
    Before you want to see what you can expect in 2022, let's have a little break and take a guess of the closing price of the S&P 500.
    A happy ending or a tragedy? Go big or go home? Place your bet NOW!
    Win Reward:
    Place your bet on the closing price of the $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ (i.e.4800.11) on Friday...
    2021 Curtain Call: Betting the closing price of S&P 500 to win!
    jmby voted
    Hello Mooers , today we are going to learn two new exciting things, that is timing the market and expecting profits from every trade.
    We start off by looking at the following chart, which shows the stock movement of $Phunware(PHUN.US)$ for the last few months in 2021.
    (^PHUN Highest: 24.04, Lowest: 0.85)
    Many of us would have heard news about Mr. Trump own social media TMTG, which come with a mission, that is to give a voice to all. The price of Trump concept ( $Trump-Related Stocks(LIST2592.US)$ ) stocks such as $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$ and $Phunware(PHUN.US)$ “went to the moon ” when the news came out. At one point, $Phunware(PHUN.US)$ made a heroic rise of 1099.35%!
    If we got in earlier, and exit before it drop, we would have made a huge decent profit . Notice what we are doing and thinking here. We are actually timing the market (doing) and always expecting (thinking) a profit from the trade.
    These two common mistakes, which many of us made in different situation, is totally awesome & great, as it shows that we have tried something new, just like Albert Einstein, who once say that ‘A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new’.
    So, starting from this moment, encourage yourself to never stop making mistakes. Making mistakes are marvelous and thru mistakes, we can learn important lessons, which will help to grow our portfolio, and sometimes, change our destiny.
    Top 18 Actives (21 Dec 2021)
    $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$
    $Ford Motor(F.US)$
    $Micron Technology(MU.US)$
    $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$
    $Bank of America(BAC.US)$
    $American Airlines(AAL.US)$
    $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$
    $Itau Unibanco(ITUB.US)$
    $Annaly Capital Management Inc(NLY.US)$
    $Uber Technologies(UBER.US)$
    jmby voted
    moomoo annual ceremony is happening right now!
    Check it out here: 
    2021 in Review: Grow Together to the Moon!
    2021 is a bumpy year for investors.
    In the post-pandemic era, 2021 has become one of the most unusual years for stock market investors. We try to conclude this year's stock market with three keywords.
    "Apes," "Vaccine," and "Musk" are chosen to be the three magical words that could best describe 2021.
    Each of them alone is a powerful catalyst that could lead the entire stock market into turmoils. Let's take a deep dive into these words one by one and see how influential they are.
    2021 is possibly the genesis of APEs. After the epic battle started in the GME arena, some investors changed from being "solitary animals" to "social animals." The surface of apes group is putting an end to investing alone. 
    Together, apes have a real impact!
    The above are the merits made by apes. All of them are forged in the heat of battle so that the revolution is imprinted into the makeup of apes. In 2021, apes finally stood up and stuck together to fight against the almost unbeatable enemy, making the year memorable. They claimed that if combining every shred of power, apes could become the mainstream one day.
    "APE together strong!!!!!!"
    Are you an ape?
    Did I miss anything significant about "Apes?"
    Please comment below to remind me of the missing memorable moments of apes.
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    Word of the Year: Musk
    Word of the Year: Vaccine
    Word of the Year: Apes
    Word of the Year: Apes
    jmby voted
    Hey mooers,
    Nice to see you again.
    Thank you for being around and welcome to our fifth episode.
    This week, we will launch this season's final episode of "Talk to PM". 

    Are you expecting more?
    Are you wondering who is going to be our guests for the next season?
    It's up to you!
    A big hand to the last moomoo product manager- Ivy
    Host: Welcome, Ivy! Would you like to give us a brief introduction of yourself?
    PM Ivy: Hi, everyone. My name is Ivy. I join the product manager team since the very beginning of the Moo community. It's fantastic to finally have a chance to talk with mooers. I'm so excited.
    I am a person who loves freedom. I'd love to meet new friends and start new conversations. New faces and fresh thoughts always light up my mind.
    I hope mooers can enjoy the free atmosphere in Moo! Everyone is free to talk, to share, and to connect here.
    Host: How lovely! I heard that you've brought us a new feature today. What is it?
    PM Ivy: I would like to introduce the "Hot" feature. We can see it in "Hot Topics", "Hot Stocks", and "Hot Articles". The feature enables mooers to quickly catch the latest trends and identify what others are talking about at a glance. Mooers can join the discussions with a simple tap.
    No one shall be left behind and be alone. I want to send out a message that we will always be there for each other in Moo and together we are one.
    Hot Topic Discussion Square
    Host: How thoughtful! Why do you want to be a product manager?
    PM Ivy: It is because I was inspired by a senior PM at the early stage of my career.
    He said, "What we product managers do is to use our products to talk to the world. It's like writers who use their pens to talk to readers." 
    I want to be a PM who dedicates herself to building a mutual space where moorers are free to have in-depth conversations and interact with each other. I would also like to get some feedback on whether I turn my thoughts into reality.
    Host: It's very admirable. Can you share with us the development of Moo?
    PM Ivy: I joined the moomoo PM team when Moo was still at the primary stage of development. At that time, the community was relatively quiet and empty.
    I was like a nervous mother who want her child to be strong and grow up safely. When glitches occurred, it was as if my own child is sick, so I was upset and distressed. 
    Now, the community is active and healthy. The atmosphere is warm and relaxed. More and more mooers are joining us and interacting with each other. They are pretty active in there. I feel like looking at my child who is growing up day by day and achieving new goals. I am touched and have a sense of accomplishment.
    Host: What's an ideal community in your mind? 
    PM Ivy: I want Moo to be open and accessible. Everyone here posts their ideas freely. Newbies are brave to ask questions, and mature traders are willing to share their experiences. Everybody grows and together we are one. In the best scenario, all mooers "trade like a pro".
    Host: Let's hope your dream will come true. What do you think of moomoo's product culture?
    PM Ivy: moomoo has a prominent geek culture that everyone pursues the ultimate, puts user experience first, and values users' feedback. I do check users' feedback every day to find out what's wrong and how can we improve.
    Host: Since you mentioned checking users' feedback, how do you deal with it?
    PM Ivy: Well, as I said, I look forward to hearing from our dear mooers, but it doesn't mean that I will accept all suggestions without evaluating them myself. 
    Henry Ford has told a famous story about horses. He asked people what they want. They said they wanted a faster horse. While others try to breed a faster horse, Ford tried something else, that is, to build a car because he understood the underlying needs of people.
    As a moomoo PM, it's essential to read between lines. We need to meet the underlying needs of mooers. In the case above, what people really want is to have a faster means of transportation, not a faster horse.
    Host: Interesting! Do you have an idol?
    PM Ivy: I adore Einstein because he was smart and brave to question uncertainty. There is no absolute right or wrong in science. As long as you have a point and stick to it, there is a high possibility that you would make some scientific progress. It doesn't really matter that whether you support or oppose something. I learned quite a lot from him. I would like to continue making progress and possibly a breakthrough as a PM.
    Host: hahaha. Do you have a slogan? Let's vote for your product!
    PM Ivy: Different needs can be met with the same choice – moomoo! Come and join us!
    Thank you, Ivy! Let's hear some applause for Ivy, who loves to be free!
    Like this article, if you enjoy PM Ivy's sharing! 

    If you have any questions, please feel free to send your ideas and thoughts to Ivy at Moo Features - Talk to PM zone. We aim to provide you with the best experiences and are looking forward to your feedback.
    Recap for the previous episodes>>
    PM George: The "Investment Rush Hour" made me become a product manager.
    PM Jane: The superpower I wish to have is mind-reading!
    PM Jason: "Art comes from life, so does a great product"
    PM Arlene: "A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."
    moomoo Product Story EP5 “Trade from zero to hero” in moomoo
    moomoo Product Story EP5 “Trade from zero to hero” in moomoo
    moomoo Product Story EP5 “Trade from zero to hero” in moomoo