$SNDL Inc (SNDL.US)$ it will prob stay where it is till they release the earnings later. AH will be where the action is. Hopfully it turns out good for us!
$Spartan Energy Aquisition (SPAQ.US)$ I'm so happy all these SPACs are around $10.00 again! Perfect buy point for all of them! I can't wait for the mergers. Fisker is going to turn NIO into a penny stock 🤣
$Kensington Capital Acquisition Corp (KCAC.US)$ Anyone buying this now is gonna be rich in 5 years. Quantumscape batteries are a game changer! Every car in the world will be electric eventually and this will take off like bitcoin👌🚀🤑
$BitNile Holdings (DPW.US)$ Im down 15% sitting on 1k shares 2.10 average and IM NOT SELLING! All the shorts better get their diapers out cus they gonna shit themselves when this takes off. At this time next year this will be in the 20s
$ENGlobal (ENG.US)$ come over to $HighPoint Rsrcs gonna pop next get in now!
$BitNile Holdings (DPW.US)$ come over to $HighPoint Rsrcs gonna pop next get in now!
$Castor Maritime (CTRM.US)$ come over to $HighPoint Rsrcs gonna pop next get in now!
$Oasis Petroleum (OAS.US)$ come over to $HighPoint Rsrcs gonna pop next get in now!