commented on
$CSOP USD Money Market Fund (SGXZ96797238.MF)$ can singapore account allow to transfer USD$ from DBS bank into moomoo direct ? please advise.
as rhe rate in moomoo for SGD convert to USD is bad.
as rhe rate in moomoo for SGD convert to USD is bad.
$CSOP USD Money Market Fund (SGXZ96797238.MF)$ do i need to comvert my sgd in stock account to usd$ 1st ? please advise the steps to subscribe to this USD MMF.
$CSOP USD Money Market Fund (SGXZ96797238.MF)$ how can i transfer USD$ from my DBS multi-curryency account into here to buy rhe fund ?
$Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$ when we sell the fund how the calculation done ? base on NAV value ?
$Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$ drop in yield this few days 🥲
$Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$ for such fund investment when we do redeem it will depends on the day NAV price right ? can give an example how to compute ?
commented on
👍I like using Cash Plus ever since the introduction of T+0 MMF funds. Although I wish that the cut-off timing for same day redemption can be improved to 10:30am (currently it is 9am cut-off). Also, I hope that the redemption arrival timing can be more consistent (currently it can be quite late at times, around 5pm). I wish for redemption consistency, around 3:30pm-4:30pm.
👍I like the SmartSave feature of allowing users to indicate a preferred "Amou...
👍I like the SmartSave feature of allowing users to indicate a preferred "Amou...

commented on
$Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$ how to know the daily value of the fund not the yield. in the event of sales how will i know the sales price n money i will get back ? is it csn know instant or need wait for nex day.
$United SGD Fund (SG9999001382.MF)$ is the capital preserve for such fund investment ? upn de-subscribe will i still get back $10k plus interest if initally i start with $10k capital.
commented on
$US Treasury Note 4.625% 28/02/2025 (US91282CGN56.BD)$ for US treasury any tax for non US citizen in terms of the dividened we collect ? cos for US stock yes we subject to 30% tax from diviened.
KYP71 OP : But how can I transfer USD$ into moomoo direct from my DBS bank account
KYP71 OP : Can I transfer from Interactive broker into Moomoo direct ?
KYP71 OP Moomoo Buddy : So can I also transfer from moomoo usd$ to my DBS bank if yes what the charges from moomoo ?