$ConnectM Technology Solutions (CNTM.US)$ Another 13G filed. 3 mil shares
Wow…new ATL already…
Gases up now? lol
NFA at all…(Thinking out loud here)
I feel like, even if Nvidia guy is right and it takes a good chunk of time for Quantum-Computers to be “realistically” useful and implemented, the fact that this company has and is taking steps to research and innovate technology that is Q-Resistant and is also useful “Now” with future layers of security integrated is a brilliant move. Hopefully SealsQ can continue their innovative research and help the world in the process. Good Luck everyone!! God Bless!!
I feel like, even if Nvidia guy is right and it takes a good chunk of time for Quantum-Computers to be “realistically” useful and implemented, the fact that this company has and is taking steps to research and innovate technology that is Q-Resistant and is also useful “Now” with future layers of security integrated is a brilliant move. Hopefully SealsQ can continue their innovative research and help the world in the process. Good Luck everyone!! God Bless!!
Good Luck everyone!!
$ScanTech AI Systems (STAI.US)$ needs some more volume to breakout
Why the sudden drop? Just from the news of the scheduled delisting? Isn’t the ticker just going to change automatically from the merger so the only “actual” news is a new symbol??
$SEALSQ Corp (LAES.US)$ 🫡🫡🫡 congrats to everyone banking here!!!
$SEALSQ Corp (LAES.US)$ I still am a little salty i got out at .458 a cpl weeks ago…but oh well lol
Anyone know overnight on this? If there is one…
Anyone know overnight on this? If there is one…
Hope everybody has a Merry Chritmas with their loved ones!!! Good Luck and God Bless!!!
LeadByAnimals OP : Correction: 3.89 mil shares