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mangobanana Male ID: 71524378
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    $HEXO Corp (HEXO.US)$ C’mon Fam! m Y’all can do better than that!! Buy buy buy
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ 不得不承認 我很喜歡nvda 但是現在很危險 它已經開始跌破趨勢了 禮拜一再放量砸穿270 要去找265 支撐位 情況不容樂觀 也許會回調到下一個支撐位212-220
    The four truths of a trader
    1. Anything can happen.
    2. You dont need to know whats going to happen next to make money.
    3. Having an edge over the market is defined as having more wins than losses.
    4. Every moment in the market is unique.
    There are four levels of traders
    1. The unsuccessful trader- they cannot face their failures due to irrational beliefs that it makes them less deserving than others. They dedicate no time or effort into learning market metrics. Never DD. Piggybacks on other traders.
    2. The regular trader- Learns minimal metrics, RSI’s, price actions, or resistance and support. They try to make sense out of nonsense. See correlations that dont exist. Eager to enter and exit a trade. Holding is seldom used or learned.
    3. Elite Trader- know what they are doing. Make the safest investments. Patient. Loses money on trades by doing to much and over complicating them.
    4. The Holy Grail Trader- has zero greed. High morals. Self Respect. Makes trades using wisdom and experience. Knows all the reasons to invest in the market and all the reasons not to invest. Makes most of their money on high risk, high reward trades.
    A traders everyday checklist
    1. I will objectively identify my advantages.
    2. I will predefine the risk of every trade.
    3. I will accept the risk i am taking.
    4. I will act with no hesitation.
    5. I will pay myself as I profit.
    6. I will monitor my errors.
    7. I will never violate these principles.
    The market is manipulated using price movements to exploit an emotional decision so traders will make mistakes. Enter a trade only when you have planned the entry and the exit prices with a stop loss. A trading edge is being able to predict the unpredictable. No one has access to all market factors that affect a trade so dont expect anyone to be able to predict with any degree of accuracy what will happen next. Investing is not about right or wrong but trying to get it as close as possible to right. Trading can be a very painful process so never add to anyone else’s pain. You are here to protect your capital. Grow your capital. And to learn from each trade then improve on it. Have a nice day! Hope you get Rich!
    13F filings are filed if an institutional investment manager that uses the U.S. mail (or other means or instrumentality of interstate commerce) in the course of its business, and exercises investment discretion over $100 million or more in Section 13(f)securities (explained below) must report its holdings quarterly on Form 13F with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
    Now lets start with the disadvantages of the 13F. The first thing to note is that these filings can be up to 45 days old, which is a little late for an advantage. The second thing is these filings only tell you what they bought. Not how they are using them. They could have bought the shares to use them to short sell the stock. The third thing is they also file 13F’s to sell their stock. Any information the SEC gives out for free is going to be one of two things: difficult to understand or of no use to you.
    The only advantage of 13F filings is that the more you know the better.
    Now a Walk Street Broker knows the way to tell what stocks some of the hedges or institutions are buying or selling. All the big institutions have as a crucial part of their investment strategy a group that they rely on for sound investment advice-stock analyst. They have in-depth knowledge of all accounts they are responsible for and every week they turn in a report that list each of those stocks with a rating of strong buy, buy, hold, or sell. And these reports are released in the news sections. 90% of the time this is what they are buying or selling or short selling. You also have to remember that just because they are buying doesnt mean others arent selling it. Plus when they buy a stock its going to be held for more than week.
    Lets hope correction doesnt turn into that other awful C-word. Sessions with one major stock index closing higher while another finishes lower have become more frequent, and that doesn’t reflect a healthy market. Though recent divergences aren’t as extreme as those seen in March 2000, they are nevertheless much higher than the norm. Right now the divergence is at 1% point difference. In 2000 it was at 2%.
    Market crash signals:
    1. If a strong early rally reverses direction by the end of the day.
    2. The buy-on-the-dip strategy is failing.
    3. Prices falling is the last indicator of a crash the first happens weeks ahead. The catalyst could be something like China delisting companies. The Fed stopping its bond buying.
    Inflation going too high. Or all of the above.
    4. Cryptocurrency starts moving in tandem with the market dips.
    How to profit from the market crash:
    1.Sell long positions and move into cash until the storm has passed.
    2. Buy puts on the S&P 500.
     3.Buy inverse ETFs.
    4. Short individual stocks. 
    You also must know how much pain you can accept (i.e., risk tolerance). If you can handle a 30% or 40% downturn, then stay the course. If not, move to the sidelines.
    Market crashes arent necessarily bad but should be seen as buying opportunities. Except for China stocks since US is now imposing regulations against them and China could continue with more. They have lost 1 trillion dollars in value since February. There is no upside or reason to be buying Chinese stocks right now.
    If you ever start wondering how can the market keep going down, just look around or listen to the news. This is the most expensive holiday season ever. When faced with holding onto investments or using them to buy gifts and food for the celebrations, most people choose the later.
    Dont listen to the jobless report. The report they release is data twisted and turned so that it sounds like the rate is going down and the economy is fine. But the truth is its way worse than they report. For one thing it shouldnt be a jobless report, that wont give you a clue on how any of the economy is doing. Its a bullshit report. To get real numbers on how its going they should release the hours worked report. When thats increasing you actually have a close idea of whats going on. If the jobless report declines by 100,000 so what? If that 100,000 decline was because 100,000 part time (12hour work week) jobs were filled then that doesnt help much compared to it being full time jobs. 1.2 million hours worked compared to 4 million hours worked is a big difference. Less hours being worked causes people that arent working enough hours, usually the older people in society who are a big part of the investments in the stock market, to cash in IRAs and their long term stock holds.
    A known fact of December is that, the least amount of buying volume happens at this time of the year.
    So when you put all these factors together what do you get? Stocks trending down or sideways or not holding their gains. Heres the best way to invest this December:
    1. Dont sell any of your shares. Hold and hope the market rebounds which it usually does.
    2. Deals on stocks are everywhere. Stop buying stocks that have had 2 day or more increases or you will get stuck.
    3. Only buy a stock if its at or near its 52-week low.Averaging down is your new best friend for this month. Stay away from stocks that are gaining due to news release.
    4. Take daytrading, swingtrading, call option buying off the table. Think of this month as a collecting of shares month.
    5. Most stocks you buy this December you will need to hold at least 50 days. What happens in 50 days? IRS refund checks hit bank accounts and people want to use that money to invest back into the market to replace what they sold off in December. If youre loaded up with cheap shares from December, profits could exceed 500%.
    Lastly dont use this month to offset previous losses. What do you think the odds are of that working if this month has the lowest buying volume out of all the months? Do you know what month sees the highest buying volume? January.
    $Camber Energy (CEI.US)$ today let's push it to 2. Followed by 4.8 next week.
    mangobanana liked and commented on
    $Stran & Company (STRN.US)$ This company has been formed to make up losses sustained from the Delisting of Long Blockchain Corp(LBCC) formerly LTEA. LBCC was transitioned into a blockchain company in 2018. Stranberg was invested heavily into the sham company,which never filed any Quarterly reports and never purchased any blockchain equipment. LBCC was delisted from the Nasdaq in March 2020. And delisted from the OTC market in February 2021. The owners of these companies are nothing but con men. They announce Acquisitions and Mergers to bring in investors then announce offerings to take their money. Cheap weed, Blockchain, Oil, Maritime, Mineral ores or gene altering companies, whatever is hot at that moment they just switch their company over to that or invent a new one. The companies never make or sell anything once they are involved. They then pump it on social media and everywhere else so then they can dump it with millions from investors. They have shell companies on exchanges around the world stealing billions. Run from this stock, $Cenntro Electric (NAKD.US)$  $Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$ because them and their associates are involved.