$Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$
why the subscription amount is different from the amount i deposited into the fund?
why the subscription amount is different from the amount i deposited into the fund?

Was using andriod phones all along for the past 8 years until the recent launch of IPhone 12.
It catch my interest when apple upsell the fastest chip during their launch campaign. With my relentless enthusiasm to know the truth, i queue for 3 hrs during the launch day and tested iPhone 12 Pro along side with my andriod phone.
Purchase Apple iPhone and IPad on spot within 10 mins and never turn back again.
It catch my interest when apple upsell the fastest chip during their launch campaign. With my relentless enthusiasm to know the truth, i queue for 3 hrs during the launch day and tested iPhone 12 Pro along side with my andriod phone.
Purchase Apple iPhone and IPad on spot within 10 mins and never turn back again.