$DBS (D05.SG)$ Dear Singaporeans, you guys are so lucky. As a Malaysian who earns similar amount of salary as a degree holder in Sg BUT different currency🙄, to buy 1 lot of DBS share, I have 3 times less purchasing power to buy 😭.
Few months back, used all my savings to buy 3 lot of DBS. Now don’t know want to be happy or sad, up more than 10% from the price I bought, want to buy 1 lot extra means I need to save extra 10+% (based on current mkt price).
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Few months back, used all my savings to buy 3 lot of DBS. Now don’t know want to be happy or sad, up more than 10% from the price I bought, want to buy 1 lot extra means I need to save extra 10+% (based on current mkt price).
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Moo仔 OP 暗之声 : 3 lot is 300 shares
Moo仔 OP 海公牛 : 300 shares
if got 3000 shares then good lor