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nicoleregin Private ID: 102864761
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    nicoleregin reacted to
    My starbucks journey only started in April and when i thought by TA its stabilizing at its lows and bought at $86. Regret after now in hindsight of not selling at 88 after holding for 7days. Its so unpredictable after earnings report it went down to 74🤪. I thought of buying and start to brew my own  bucks… 💵 will I ever see ⭐️ stars? This is my starbucks journey so far… hope it will be as rewarding and tasty as my favorite white moccha frappe.
    Brewing my own Star💵
    nicoleregin reacted to
    I would like to share my trades on Baidu based on not TA or FA but on news. Initially when Baidu jumped on good news with Tesla, I bought and sold too quickly within 4 days and should have sold on the 6th day when prices went even higher.
    Later recently after 1 week; i realised that prices seem to stabilize and wanted to try option trade since I have the moomoo free trade card to utilize. So i click on Bootcamp Tool and study the various strategies available.
    I ended u...
    Baidu trades driven by News
    Baidu trades driven by News
    Baidu trades driven by News
    nicoleregin liked and commented on
    This month of May is better…. but somehow; when i see the calendar… haha im surprise that i am more of red than green? I thought for May; I had sell more shares at profits but seems like perception is just a mirage. tried to make 31st a green day with my latest option trade on Alibaba…May I strive to Huat in june? 加油!
    May I Huat?
    May I Huat?
    May I Huat?
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