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Raymond Gwee Male ID: 104496297
    Raymond Gwee commented on and voted
    The market’s been a bloodbath 😱 lately, and I’m not alone in feeling the sting. Scouring the Moo community, I’ve seen countless stories of losses – folks pouring their hearts out about their shrinking portfolios. It’s a humbling reminder that we’re all in this together. Sure, there are a few lucky souls boasting about their gains 🤑, but they’re like unicorns 🦄 in a field of wounded gazelles. @104240685 @Wenhao95 @sky9191, you’re one of those lucky fe...
    🩸 Market Bloodbath: Are We All In This Together?
    😊Hi, Malaysian mooers!
    Genting Malaysia will release its next earnings report on May 28. How will the market react to the company's quarterly results? Vote your answer to participate!
    🎁 Rewards
    👌 An equal share of 1,000 points: For mooers who correctly guess the price range of $GENM (4715.BMS)$'s closing price at 16:45 MYT May 28) (e.g., If 50 mooers make a correct guess, each of them will get 20 points.)
    👍 Exclu...
    Good morning mooers! Here are things you need to know about today's market:
    ●US Markets Close Mixed After Hitting All-Time Highs, Earnings Season Continues with Nvidia Reporting
    ●Malaysia and Uzbekistan to focus on trade and investment cooperation
    ●Stocks to watch: Maxis, ITMAX, PIE Industrial
    -moomoo News MY
    Wall Street Summary
    The market closed with a slight cooling on Friday from the ...
    MY Morning Wrap | Maxis Posts 10% Rise in Q1 Net Profit on Higher Service Revenue, Declares Four Sen Dividend
    $KOSSAN (7153.BMS)$
    马来西亚🇲🇾的手套🧤领域发展,在过去几年的减产策略以及🇨🇳中国以及泰国泰国的抢滩下,我国全球的出口从巅峰期的60% + 已经下滑到40%以下。虽然还是世界第一,但是不进则退,希望未来可以拿回更多市场。
    疫情期间,KOSSAN的现金是四大手套里最少的。但是在FY23超车同行,稳居马股最有钱现金股。KOSSAN过去两年投入在CAPEX只有RM211 mil,主打的策略就是以守为攻,等到春天。
    $TOPGLOV (7113.BMS)$
    而KOSSAN以及HARTA已经连续两个季度盈利,主要是因为裁员减产缩减成本,大笔现金带来的利息收入也让公司可以抵御寒冬。这也为KOSSAN在2023年带来RM60 mil的利息收入以及投资资产是Fair  Value Gain。而HARTA过去9个...
    KOSSAN - 不小心成为最有钱手套股🧤,也是马股今年最强势手套股!
    KOSSAN - 不小心成为最有钱手套股🧤,也是马股今年最强势手套股!
    Mandarin version
    Latest corporate trends of CAPITALA and AAX
    The most detailed and easy-to-understand explanation on the whole internet
    $AAX (5238.BMS)$ $CAPITALA (5099.BMS)$
    Is Asia Aviation going to be sold? CAPITALA, AAX
    马来西亚NIMP 2030,迈向新经济
    In 2020, COVID-19 threatened all of humanity, and US stocks fused 3 times in 8 days... Looking back on this year, it really wasn't easy. It was either threatened by the virus or killed by the stock market, so this year, just stay alive.
    Year after year, another year of investing in US stocks. This year, I've summarized a few creeds, ranked by importance. All Moo friends are welcome to join the conversation
    1. Stronger Forrest (Perseveration)
    Dare to buy (new) industry leaders, bull stocks can continue to rise for 10 years
    FAAMG... your grandpa will always be your grandpa
    2. Right Side Operation (Momentum)
    Judging from technical analysis indicators combined with trading volume and fundamental news, it's not too late to enter the market again when the trend is clear. The sharp rise in bull stocks must have a reason to attract big capital, but they won't just rise for one day after that. The big drop is the same. After a sharp drop of 30%, it fell for another month before it began to rebound
    3. Don't force goals (Vision)
    Focusing on short-term goals (such as earning 20% in a month and doubling within a year) can lead to operational haste and recklessness and excessive measurement of short-term gains and losses
    This is actually very similar to all kinds of flags in comics... it's best not to set up flags; you'll die
    4. Buy Dips (Buy Dips)
    Always maintain a certain amount of cash and be able to enter the market calmly when the market falls irrationally
    The biggest difference between big beef and chives is how they operate when they plummet.
    In the past, I often cut meat near the lowest point during a sharp drop
    Right now, I even hope that bull stocks will fall and increase my positions to buy
    5. Don't spread your positions too much; your portfolio must be properly distributed (Focus)
    In-depth analysis and observation of the 5-10 most promising stocks, over...
    [My annual investment summary] 2020 is full of ups and downs, just stay alive
    [My annual investment summary] 2020 is full of ups and downs, just stay alive
    with the pre-launching sales of Huawei Mate60 pro series in China , plus the ban of the use of iPhone among the public servants , will the new iPhone 15 able to make a breakthrough and able to gain more market share?
    well, the market share lose in China may be filled up by India , as mentioned by Tim Cook, the sales of iPhone in India has been astonishing