$Exela Technologies (XELA.US)$ would a company raise their buy back price more if they felt those shares weren’t gonna be worth more real soon

$Exela Technologies (XELA.US)$ May have a huge deal with Apple by the beginning of march right after they buy back the shares for a dollar


$Moderna (MRNA.US)$ Moderna is for sure the front runner to the Covid-19 vaccine. This may give it a small boost in pre market.

Ricardo Herrera OP huatSG : Correct. At bare minimum by mid march it will be at 3 bucks which is more then triple the current price but with a partnership with Apple I could jump to 10 over night. I’m not a financial advisor. This is all speculation so take my words as an opinion only.
Ricardo Herrera OP bubbleberrygum : Yes
Ricardo Herrera OP : No, tell momoo or whoever youre trading with that you want your shares tendered for the 1.25 buyback from XELA . Now they have to be tendered in groups of 20. What that means is if you have 505 share than can only tender 500 and you have to sell the 5 or hold whatever you want to do
Ricardo Herrera OP bubbleberrygum : Lol no your payout is 15 business days after the 24th