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shuan Private ID: 181686538
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    Recently, X's Fabydelta and Paulo (others?) were posted in the comments section here There are people who copy and paste tweets and post continuously like their own comments, and they advertise them because they only want them to post original posts, but if you are interested in NVDA, you may be able to get good information by following Fabydelta and Paulo on X. If it doesn't suit you, I think you should unfollow me. Please take a look. However, even if losses occur due to their information, the investment is at your own risk, so please do not hit eight.
    Note, I'm just an ordinary person, and I'm just a follower of the two. There is no interest.
    Since February, I have been honestly adhering to the teaching that “it is most profitable to hide shame and go buy stocks from high prices that have produced good financial results.”
    NVDA is the only individual stock portfolio. Buy & hold until you make a financial mistake even after June. I decided that this is currently the lowest risk/high return strategy.
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