With quarterly reporting season just under way, the term "AI" has been used nearly twice as frequently in the conference calls of S&P 500 companies as it was in the previous quarter, a Reuters analysis showed.
Both companies said AI is already juicing sales but neither said when or if they will start breaking out any sales, costs or profits from the technology.
The JPMorgan team led by Dubravko Lakos-Bujas does...
Both companies said AI is already juicing sales but neither said when or if they will start breaking out any sales, costs or profits from the technology.
The JPMorgan team led by Dubravko Lakos-Bujas does...

Oh jeeze if I knew that you guys were actually going to respond, I wouldn't have been so harsh. My apologies, I was trying to be funny for the people who I thought would read it. But I am super impressed at your timely response, thank you! Yeah it's got some good subject material, it just feels like it was either plugged into a translator or written by someone who doesn't speak English as their first language. Either way, I really appreciate the free lessons from you guys! Thanks!
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$Mullen Automotive (MULN.US)$ This is a scam stock. Avoid it like the plague.
Why does this one contrast so much with the last lesson? The last one was like texbook curriculum, this feels like a crackhead wrote it. Broken sentences, bad grammar... all it needs it a few emojis and it'll be able to run for mayor of Chicago.
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just joined. totally green but have large appetite for knowledge