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Snowy Tulip Female ID: 102251982
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    Snowy Tulip liked and commented on
    $iShares China Large-Cap ETF(FXI.US)$
    $Direxion Daily FTSE China Bull 3X Shares ETF(YINN.US)$ 
    $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$ 
    After a slight rebound yesterday, the China Securities Market jumped high and rose sharply today, making it a dazzling star stock in today's market. Today, FXI is up 21%, and YINN is up 64%. Seeing this kind of increase, many people wonder, is this a reversal in the market? If so, if we don't catch up now, wouldn't we miss out on a perfect surge opportunity? How can you tolerate being tormented by this fear of missed deals? In fact, calm down and think about issues such as whether to chase, how to chase, what are the risks of chasing, etc., you still have to set your mind, analyze them carefully, and then make a decision. Instead of blindly following up and going long just by watching the market rise. Judging from the fact that Tencent and the Hang Seng Index have now fallen below their strongest long-term support, the current rise in China Securities should be a rebound rather than a reversal. Therefore, since the opening of the market today, according to the plan, FXI and YINN have been reduced in batches as they have rebounded. The reason is that although FXI recently broke through the GMMA 2-hour pressure range, it is still in a downward trend, and its strongest pressure level is around 37. I have personally experienced that in the process of rising stocks, we gradually reduce our positions, in fact...
    Should we catch up with stock exchanges?
    Snowy Tulip liked and commented on
    $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ $SPDR S&P 500 ETF(SPY.US)$
    Today, I found a perfect trend, but I didn't overcome my own demons, didn't abide by trading discipline, made a small profit, but missed out on big fish.
    Trading resumed after yesterday's close, and I think it might fall today. Daishin's video analysis is also declining. Since all indices are basically at pressure levels, today's pullback is likely to occur. Don't be disconvinced! It's just that accurate!
    As shown in the figure, trading starts after the points in the three boxes come out. Also, if you don't trade until then, you must control yourself because the trend is not obvious. It's very easy to break into a duvet.
    After the three red frame points were determined, all the lines were drawn. Note that all lines were drawn prior to trading. You can modify it later, but you need to have a general direction. If you can't decide the direction, then don't do it!!!
    The blue line is bullish support+trend+pressure. The green line is the downward pressure line. The black line is pressure.
    I successfully bought SPY 442 CALL at point 1 at the price of 3.18. The plan is to take half profit at point 3. The remaining half is a 50% stop-loss loss if profit falls, and if it continues to rise into the black line pressure zone, then all take-profit is taken. However, they didn't overcome their own demons; they sold all of them at point 2. Price 3.32. I only earned 1 cent 4. The position is OK, I have money for a week's meals...
    3/10/2022 Let's talk again about the importance of complying with trading discipline, the big myth has not stabilized, that is, it has not stabilized
    Snowy Tulip commented on
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ $SPDR S&P 500 ETF(SPY.US)$ $Invesco QQQ Trust(QQQ.US)$
    Buying stocks requires patience, and you don't want to be caught waiting.
    A bounce is an escape, not a buy, don't let the news carry your nose, let the price tech talk. You know when to buy, refer to the next drop, you may find a useful pattern, you can find a useful pattern, just wait until the bottom is formed, buy slowly first. It's really good to stay on the left to buy the lowest point.
    Snowy Tulip liked and commented on
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$ 
    $Lockheed Martin(LMT.US)$ 
    The major market indices rebounded as scheduled yesterday. Is it time to follow up and go long? The answer is probably not yet. From the perspective of Japanese K-line technical analysis, all major indices are in a downward trend, and the upward pressure to rebound is also strong, so it is not suitable to aggressively go long. The market has been unstable recently, and I haven't taken any action. However, I was able to actually operate blindly, thanks to the experience of following my mentor's reading notes to learn the legendary experience of Wall Street stock master Jesse Livermore. For newcomers to the stock market, instead of randomly buying stocks, it's better to start learning by reading books about stocks. If you are interested in reading books, you can search the internet for Jesse Livermore's financial reading notes, and I believe you will also gain quite a bit.
    Is it time to do too much?
    Like looking at social media, checking on your stocks each trading day is addictive. Seeing your money growing bigger day by day is one of the best experiences.
    However, looking at your portfolio every day in a bear market offers only pain without much real benefit to investors.
    So what's your choice recently?
    Do you take the pain to fuel your passion?
    Daily Poll: How often do you check your stocks
    Since the US stock market fell below the trend, the stock market volatility has been so intense that in an environment unfriendly to beginners, they have followed the advice of online mentors to reduce operations and focus on learning to improve their technical skills. If you want to buy a small position when you step back on strong stocks, the weak stocks that have fallen deeply will buy according to the entry position given by your mentor, sell the pressure position and never love to fight. Don't always be single-minded! The title of the instructor's video today let me taste it carefully for a long time. Before the loss of money is not in the trend of individual stocks fell, or stubbornly cling to it, or the more falling more and more positions? To change the result, you must first change your thinking and then change your operation strategy.
    Snowy Tulip liked and commented on
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$ $Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund(XLE.US)$  $Gold Futures(DEC4)(GCmain.US)$ 
    Recently, US stocks have risen and fallen. The trend of the strong market has not yet been established, yet the bull market has clearly come to an end. Looking around, “gold” (bargains) is everywhere, can't you pick it up?
    The wood was not picked up. The wood will be picked up sooner or later, but not today. Last year's wood would be picked up, but not this year anymore. why?... By the way, many stars gathered in the oil industry, but I was lucky in my life to discover the newest and most beautiful one.
    Knocking and knocking every day, the wood was able to understand it once and a half. This Occidental Petroleum used to be a heartache. When it exploded, he shouted, and the wood was full of doubts and didn't move. I shouted again as I continued to pull. The wood felt that it had missed it, and it still didn't move. I picked it up again yesterday. Mu Dou woke up. Sister Mu Tou came back and drank a big sip of soup today.
    The path to US stocks is difficult. If you want to do it, be a strong stock, cover your wallet, and patiently pay attention to the profit and loss ratio, and spend 5 minutes, half an hour, or 2 hours. When you step back, your chance will come.
    BTW, that's not what I said, this is what I just learned today
    This kind of market doesn't have the ambition to break the bottom, but is it bullish to keep up?
    This kind of market doesn't have the ambition to break the bottom, but is it bullish to keep up?
    Snowy Tulip liked and commented on
    $ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF(UVXY.US)$
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$ 
    With the intensification of tensions between Russia and Ukraine, US stocks are also affected by it. The major indexes did not extend the upward trend of the day before yesterday, and all fell back high today. The sign of the bull market is about to disappear, but is there really a bear market coming?
    UVXY is showing signs today that it is likely to break the key point of $22 in the previous period. Once UVXY breaks through this key point, it means that the upward space is open, and the market may really be about to go. Therefore, the rational operation strategy, personally think that now is not suitable to copy the bottom of the market. It is true that in the previous period of stock market decline, many stocks have fallen sharply and seem to be very cheap, but is this really the cheapest bargaining chip? Or will there be cheaper stock prices? Judging from the trend of UVXY today, it is the best strategy not to be greedy for bargains at this time, but to wait and see. It is not too late to enter the arena when the situation becomes a little clearer. Taking this opportunity, you might as well calm down and learn more about how the stock market operates. Follow my mentor's reading notes and continue to learn the classic trading case of Wall Street stock guru Jesse Livermore, one of the important things to learn is to wait.
    Will UVXY pop up?
    $iShares Russell 2000 ETF(IWM.US)$
    $FULU HOLDINGS(02101.HK)$ 
    SENS is a medical technology company focused on developing and manufacturing long-term, implantable continuous blood sugar monitoring systems for diabetics. I have owned SENS since June 2021 until now, and I am optimistic about SENS products. Whether it rises or falls, it wants to make a profit when its next-generation products are approved.
    On February 11, 2022, SENS received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for the next generation Eversense E3CGM system. However, the stock price plummeted on the same day. Stocks that had been in business for a long time turned into losses, which really made people cry and laugh. Reflecting on the idea of operation, I realized that I still didn't establish a good operating system for stock profits, nor did I have a pre-formulated profit operation plan; of course, I didn't establish a take-profit or stop-loss plan; as a result, stocks that could have been profitable turned into losses. SENS also made me realize that being optimistic about a company doesn't mean holding at any cost; a good company is not necessarily a good investment target. Of course, you should even less follow the news to trade stocks; fantasize that the stock price will be...
    Take profit is as important as stop loss