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SooLazy Private ID: 71381993
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    when buying a dip…. make sure is a dip…. otherwise u will be buying dips all the way down the down trend!!
    I soo remember my first iphone! iPhone 1…. back in 2007. A friend of mine had gotten it… and he was talking about it at work about how great it was… that I should leave my black berry behind and move on to the new.   Soo one day i went to my local carrier to look at the phone…. and i was like hmmmmmm the sales man was like once u go iphone u wont go back to the black berry…. so i gave it a go…. Since then i have been all apple… havnt tried any Samsung or what have u …. im very happy with apple and happy to have grown with the company…. only thing… i wish was that i had bought some stock then!!!!...
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