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Th Scott Private ID: 70902914
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    Th Scott commented on
    $Occidental Petroleum (OXY.US)$
    Given the market sentiment change, One must ask how much lower can OXY has to go to reach market floor.  Since there is no earning for OXY, then the only approximate factor one can consider is P/S.
    OXY has a P/S range of 0.41-0.72 with average of 0.57....... However currently market P/S is 0.95, it is way overbought. IMHO, given that sales will still decline in next year, the P/S should be somewhere around 0.7 or less.  This translate to a healthy market valuation of $15-16. Those who still hold on the stock will see stock going down further. This is not a market correction, it is a correction of single stock which has been hyped!...
    Th Scott commented on
    Happy holiday mooers!
    New year approaches, we have to say goodbye to the year 2020 and welcome the year 2021 with expectations and uncertainties for the stock market.
    As we all know, take notes and review your trades is the only way for every traders and investors to grow. Lessons learned this year will help you better perform in next year. Now it's time to review the unprecedented 2020.
    Review 2020
    Looking back 2020, even with this year's sharp sell-off, the S&P 500 is notching a near 15% gain for 2020. We did go through too many changes, surprises and h...
    [GIVEAWAY] Time to Review Your 2020 Trades Guys
    [GIVEAWAY] Time to Review Your 2020 Trades Guys
    [GIVEAWAY] Time to Review Your 2020 Trades Guys
    Th Scott commented on
    long-term investment
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