$Bit Digital (BTBT.US)$ tonight might just be the night
$FIRST TRUST SKYBRIDGE CRYPTO INDUSTRY AND DIGITAL ECONOMY ETF (CRPT.US)$ They say all ships rise with the tide in crypto. Will this buoyancy transfer to ETF stocks leaning heavily on Blockchain during a crypto bullrun season? Expect Bitcoin to reach new all time highs by the end of Q4 and profits to be taken into altcoins and other assets.
my general advice, if u cant get into a start up joint marijuana dispensary or a grow, dont touch the stocks till their legal. its a honey trap that has eaten way too many people. i believe theyre going to be forced to defund alot of things since we shut down the world and alot of these fluff policies and micromanagement of the individuals life will go out the door when its the drug war or the politicians salaries and they have to choose. whether it passes this go around is irrelevant. wait till they start fighting for 2021 budget (which they've intentionally and conveniently postponed until i believe dec 12). thats when u'll REALLY need some popcorn for the show...
$Palantir (PLTR.US)$ this is all just chump change, can’t wait when from a year from now you look back at these old post and see “PLTR since Post 500%”. Then you think yourself “Damn, the millionaires DO go long...” and when you zoom out on the chart and see the red days and Green Day’s then you realize why shorts exist, to make the rich by the dips.

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The electric vehicle market has been hot recently. Tesla will be included in the Standard & Poor's; and $NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ has just released its Q3 performance meeting, $Li Auto (LI.US)$ and $XPeng (XPEV.US)$ also caused a boom in the market. Is the electric vehicle sector an opportunity or a trap?
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Share your opinions/profit or loss on EV stocks with us before this Sunday. Post Moments under the topic #EV Market, Opportunity or Trap? And you will have a chance to get 200 points! Reward points can be used to redeem gifts!
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