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Batteries are the heart and soul of electric vehicles, and companies around the globe are looking to improve battery efficiency while ensuring affordability. In addition, several potential game changers in the EV battery stock market are looking to improve battery technology. Let's dive into some companies that may lead this trend!
1) 4,000 points: All mooers who answer the following questions correctly will be con...
1) 4,000 points: All mooers who answer the following questions correctly will be con...

Columns US ADP Employment Change
The ADP National Employment Report is a monthly economic indicator that measures the change in non-farm private employment in the United States. The report is based on payroll data collected from approximately 400,000 private business clients of Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP).
The ADP employment change is released two days before the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases its monthly employment report. The ADP report is often seen as a leading indicator of th...
The ADP employment change is released two days before the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases its monthly employment report. The ADP report is often seen as a leading indicator of th...

I'm not for sure how to post just the p&l from August. my focus is electric battery Plays, hydrogen plays, and watching marijuana for entry position.
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Stocks market in August has been turbulent. The S&P 500', which has witnessed significant rise this year, has relinquished over a quarter of its previous growth. As earnings reports wind down, Nvidia's impressive resurgence is making waves in the tech industry...
Looking back on my P/L ratio, -0.16%, a not-too-bad result. And on the other hand, I earned 115 usd among my positions. Keep investing smartly in September!![]()
Looking back on my P/L ratio, -0.16%, a not-too-bad result. And on the other hand, I earned 115 usd among my positions. Keep investing smartly in September!

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unfamiliar with the market, unsure what to choose
unfamiliar with the market, unsure what to choose
therealgodstwin : $frey has the most upside by percentage over the next twelve months (according to me and the majority of the analysis). They have three battery plants planned they are Giga America potential start of commercialization 2025 in the state of Georgia,Giga Arctic, and Norway (potential start of commercialization 2024 100% renewable energy run production facility). The United States has major incentives for battery production and battery storage which is why they are moving the headquarters to the United States. Frey has already had companies willing to give them their incentives to secure batteries in the United States. Yes other battery companies can be added to the list $sldp $mvst but why? Another that should be on the list $LAC lithium production current rights could be worth 50 years of supply equaling to 25% of the worlds needs. Agentina cauchari-olaroz and postos grandes basin. United States thacker pass. Honorable mention hydrogen play $fcel 100%+ upside the next twelve months and at only $1.47 a share you can get a lot of bang for your buck when having smaller amounts of capital to work with. Please don't lose site of the marijuana industry where change is coming quickly. this could be the next big thing or even blow up simultaneously with the battery industry! Unlike the battery industry that is creating new tech and giga factories for production the marijuana industry has been putting infrastructure in for years at a slower pace due to legalization laws. Once those laws are changed at the federal government level watch out. HHS tasked by the current Whitehouse to reevaluate the schedule one drug listing just reported this week a recommendation to move it from I to schedule III list which will blow up investment in the industry.
therealgodstwin magickbeans710 : I see the possibility but the upside by percentage is not as high over the next 24 months as $FREYR Battery (FREY.US)$ and $Lithium Americas (LAC.US)$