I believe this stock still has room to grow, but i treat it as a long term, because of the potential of this company, they diversify a lot, not just depend on the online shopping, especially with the recent news on their AI.
Joining the P/L challenge to share my portfolio. My strategy is invest for long-term. Keep adding when market dips, some hits and misses, but overall profitable. #merdekabersamamoo #MYstockchallenge
Totoro25 OP Spinee : Between $70-80![undefined [undefined]](
Totoro25 OP I am 102702622 : I sold some when it was $100. Plan to continue to hold for a while the remaining.![undefined [undefined]](
Totoro25 OP Tliet : I believe this stock still has room to grow, but i treat it as a long term, because of the potential of this company, they diversify a lot, not just depend on the online shopping, especially with the recent news on their AI.