my first apple was 3g and i was the first to have a smart phone out of my group of friends i thought i was top dog. i could do anything i got into jail breaking and hacking the phone toake it do what it wasnt intended to do i had bought apple for several years after always upgrading and getting the best and newest iphone and ipods and was working to become an iphone developer and even had a idea that if i could have afforded the patent and proto type i would have had alot more than 5 shares of apple by now and could have been set . now someone else has came up w my idea and since made several different versions .smh. atnt ended up screwing me on my data and i since moved to android cause the cost of apple was too high my son still has apple and i still like apple and their security and ui. thanks Steve Jobs for ur service! ...
and this page as well man they changed alot of things wish i had more time to find them all

they now have courses to help learn another easter egg

i think this is going somewhere but i nay not know exactly what im looking at but the rank is closer to one than a name i have heard of before so that should show some kind of valuation

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ bought in at 14.20 40 shares holding to the moon!
RANT! 🖕Robinhood🖕 would not let me sell himax today at $10.33 usd it said they were having network issues and wouldn't let me sell until they dropped down below 10.15 and now has not went back up see they are scam artist and rob from us to give to the rich well i am talking to lawyer about the scams over the 4 years i have had them and how much of my hard earned money they have taken due to glitches in their supposed system.( Fu! Robinhood.......)