$T-Rex 2X Inverse MSTR Daily Target ETF (MSTZ.US)$
Use ibit to long bitcoin, use mstz to short mstr, forming a hedge.
Use ibit to long bitcoin, use mstz to short mstr, forming a hedge.

$BAT (4162.MY)$
Is BAT a good investment choice ?
Current price of BAT is around MYR 8.4. It is not easy to answer if BAT is undervalued. I would consider BAT to be in a staple industry and a simple comparison with another with similiar financial matrix can help me sort out our thoughts.
What is selling point of investing in BAT ? I would say it is because high yield, reasonable PE, Staple industry.
BAT Dividend Yield 7%, PE 12. I didn’t bother to check but I doubt BA...
Is BAT a good investment choice ?
Current price of BAT is around MYR 8.4. It is not easy to answer if BAT is undervalued. I would consider BAT to be in a staple industry and a simple comparison with another with similiar financial matrix can help me sort out our thoughts.
What is selling point of investing in BAT ? I would say it is because high yield, reasonable PE, Staple industry.
BAT Dividend Yield 7%, PE 12. I didn’t bother to check but I doubt BA...
Market Cap : MYR 815 million
Debt : 0
Cash Level : MYR 451 million
Enterprise Value : MYR 364 million
FPI should be able to generate Profit After Tax of MYR 117 million.
PE : 8, EV/PAT : 3, DY : 7%.
A safe investment choice with strong cash position, moderate growth, low valuation and high Dividend Yield
Debt : 0
Cash Level : MYR 451 million
Enterprise Value : MYR 364 million
FPI should be able to generate Profit After Tax of MYR 117 million.
PE : 8, EV/PAT : 3, DY : 7%.
A safe investment choice with strong cash position, moderate growth, low valuation and high Dividend Yield