$Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$
if you already have money in this fund, does the coupon still works for the whole 10k or it's a fresh subscribe of 10k?
if you already have money in this fund, does the coupon still works for the whole 10k or it's a fresh subscribe of 10k?
$Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$
how do you know they have pay out the difference in the interest? count down period has ended weeks ago ..
how do you know they have pay out the difference in the interest? count down period has ended weeks ago ..
$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$
subscribed for the 6.8 percent and deposited to fund and subscribed to the fullerton cash fund but only the funds that are already in it seems eligible.
any idea why?
subscribed for the 6.8 percent and deposited to fund and subscribed to the fullerton cash fund but only the funds that are already in it seems eligible.
any idea why?
$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$
anyone know if there are any fees to charge up this fund. can't find the section on fee during subscription
anyone know if there are any fees to charge up this fund. can't find the section on fee during subscription
$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$
anyone know how to switch off rsp?
anyone know how to switch off rsp?
I enabled the smart save but somehow the system took my USD from my dividend and signed up for the 5.8 percent package... how do I change it to my sgd account instead?