
好吉娃娃旺旺 女 ID: 102270679
    好吉娃娃旺旺 留下了心情
    $亿仕登 (I07.SG)$  coffee time
      Wait for next big dip  again. 😋 🤪 😜
    好吉娃娃旺旺 留下了心情
    $亿仕登 (I07.SG)$ 0.85处存在阻力位。
    问答是公司业绩电话会议下的一个环节,在这个环节里,机构和零售投资者会向管理层提出一些最关注的问题。在这个页面上,你可以找到一些有价值的信息,可能会影响未来几周的股价。 $Sea (SE.US)$
    态度: 管理层对Shopee的长期增长持乐观态度。
    目标: 公司调整了游戏业务的指引,专注于长期增长。
    产品: 公司持续推动Free Fire MAX的增长,提供比Free Fire更高分辨率和更多功能。
    在游戏业务方面,您并未调整指引。根据您们九个月的业绩,尽管推出了Free Fire MAX,但表明游戏组合将在第四季度出现下滑。有什么趋势让您做出这样的指引?
    我们相信自年初以来给出的游戏指引在货币化方面非常强劲,与去年相比具有很强的竞争力。而我们游戏组合的整体规模已经在几年的时间内迅速扩大。因此,我认为,我们也非常重要地需要专注于巩固我们的用户群和游戏内容、渠道及能力。 专注于长期增长和最大化《自由之战》平台和IP潜力,以及在更广泛的游戏类别上实现多样化。
    我们经历了非常强劲的增长,而《自由之战》或许是历史上最大的移动游戏之一,我们持续看到强大的用户群。事实上,如果我们看一下我们跨全局的指标,它们不仅年同比有所改善,而且季度同比也有所上升。因此,我们将继续保持我们现有市场上强大的用户基础,并在我们尚未深入渗透的市场探索新的增长机遇。 特别是随着《自由之战 MAX》的推出和新功能。我们进一步专注于构建我们强大的IP和平台。 《自由之战 MAX》于九月下旬推出。您能给我们一些关于用户参与度的见解吗?选择和时间花费如何?与《自由之战》有何不同?它会如何影响您的2022展望?
    就《自由之战 MAX》而言,它仍处于早期阶段。我们已经看到一些正面和令人鼓舞的迹象,符合我们对拥有更高规格手机用户与更高分辨率图片以及更多功能等更深度参与的预期。同时,在《自由之战 MAX》中,我们推出了诸如Craftland之类的功能,允许用户添加地图并自定义,并让其他用户使用。这是我们在创建更多用户生成内容工具以进行社区参与,并将更多创意从我们的社区带入游戏本身的初始测试。
    在《自由之战 MAX》方面,它仍处于早期阶段。我们已经看到一些正面和令人鼓舞的迹象,符合我们对拥有更高规格手机用户与更高分辨率图片以及更多功能等更深度参与的预期。同时,在《自由之战 MAX》中,我们推出了诸如Craftland之类的功能,允许用户添加地图并自定义,并让其他用户使用。这是我们在创建更多用户生成内容工具以进行社区参与,并将更多创意从我们的社区带入游戏本身的初始测试。 So we are very much looking forward to the fourth quarter and ahead to continue to grow this game.
    You talked about normalization post COVID, could you take us through the range of possible outcomes as we come out of COVID?
    On the one hand, the step-up in digitalization in our markets, the forming of user behavior to shop online and also sell things from online by more of the especially the small businesses and even the brands are permanent here to stay. Meanwhile, we haven't seen any particular economies being so deeply or permanently impacted by COVID that there is clearly an impact on consumption. And at least from our perspective as a market leader, we continue to grow in our market leadership, especially in our markets, which are generally high-growth markets with low e-commerce penetration, we continue to see long-term growth potential. So on that front, we are quite optimistic about the long-term growth potential of e-commerce.
    Can you elaborate what is the target you wanted to achieve, especially from the European countries? What kind of KPI that you will monitor to assess that your progress is well achieved and to potentially to evaluate to invest more?
    我们相信我们在经营不同市场方面已积累了丰富的运营经验,以及专注于移动本地化、社交驱动和长尾高多样化类别的商业模式。然而,谦逊是我们的核心价值观之一。希望我们的进入能够为市场增加价值,并发现潜在的新增长领域,从而与我们的同行一起进一步促进当地电子商务的增长。 然而,我们并没有设定任何固定的关键绩效指标。我认为它仍处于非常初步的探索阶段。由于我们相信全球对我们的商业模式有需求,我们对Shopee的长期增长持乐观态度。
    这篇文章是Sea Limited于11月16日业绩电话会议问答环节的脚本。为了便于阅读,我们做了适当的删节。如果您想了解更多细节,您可以。 点击这里重新观看完整页面。
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day. So there’s always that scenario. Ignorance is bliss.
    Luck favors the bold. It happens much more to newer and younger traders. Mostly because they don’t have enough life experience. Most young ones are “all balls and no brains”. They are intelligent, they just lack the wisdom.
    Intelligence and wisdom are two very different things. Intelligence, is knowing that tomato is a fruit. Wisdom, is knowing not to put it into your fruit salad.
    When I first traded, I cant' recall any particular moment that I would remembered as "luck", but I did made some good money during my first few months in the market. I was young and bold and I don't mind taking risk for protentially higher returns. But as my age grows, I became more cautious for the reality that I have a family to raise. So I believe i have less "luck" at the later stage, but generally I did well in the market.
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