
103099893 保密 ID: 103099893
    $美国航空 (AAL.US)$ 股票赠送
    由于其暴涨潜力,短期交易长期以来一直受到散户投资者的青睐。 短期盈利并不罕见,但要赚很多则需要投入很大。熟练的短期交易者精通交易技巧、模式识别、情绪控制和仓位管理,以深入了解市场。
    $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ Will Microsoft invest in Grab just for fun? and just for a quick gain? Microsoft doesn't need a few B gain. So this will be a long term potential. If it can go to 400B market cap, even if buy at highest, u will still gain few X..  https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/09/microsoft-says-it-will-invest-in-singapore-based-grab.html
    $滴滴(已退市) (DIDI.US)$ maybe moving to HK is not such a bad thing after all.
    103099893 留下了心情并参与了投票
    在这个感恩节,我们想问你——在你的投资旅程中,你感激什么? 这些是你想要支持的家人吗?你的投资伙伴?你赚钱的股票?你读过的书?也许是一位专家?清单还有很多。有很多事情我们深深感激并对之心存感激之情。为什么不趁此机会表达你的感谢呢!? 加入话题讨论 #对此我感激不尽。 并获得奖励!
    你今年最感激哪些股票?相反,哪些股票给了你一个教训? 无论成功与否,我们总是有理由心存感激,因为这让我们变得更强大,更有经验的投资者。
    交易或投资从来都不是一件容易的事情。幸运的是,我们的家人或朋友提供 在艰难时期提供情感支持, 在投资生涯的曲折中提供鼓励,以及被理解和接受的安慰,因为你想要用生活做些什么。
    你有 在初始阶段指导你的导师吗 在您投资的旅程中,您是否发现了一些有用的书籍? 是什么书对您做决策有帮助?在您迷茫时,有无数在线课程和书籍可以帮助您。您想向谁表示感谢?
    当我们决定投资并从头学习时,我们做出了一个勇敢的决定和艰难的选择。 不要忘记,我们是一个勇敢的人,我们应该为此感到感激。金钱买不到的东西
    所有的事情都是金钱买不到的无论你的投资组合或个股表现如何,重要的是要记住,所有这些都是免费的。 生命中最美好的事情是免费的。假期和与家人共度的时间总是向我们证明了这一点,无论市场如何,这都是我们每天都应该感恩的事情。
    5条最佳发帖 将获得 1,888 积分;
    10个特色帖子 将获得 888 积分;
    所有参与者将获得 88 积分。
    持续时间现在至11月29日晚上11:59 (ET)
    1. 仅限相关帖子 和那些添加话题 #对此,我感激计数。 (请在话题下发帖。) 2. 最低字数要求:
    谢谢,祝所有投资交易的人好运。在这里参与讨论时不要忘记附上你的感恩节晚餐的照片 #对此我感激不尽。
    $怪兽充电 (EM.US)$ $滴滴(已退市) (DIDI.US)$  $普普文化 (CPOP.US)$ 
    Have you watched the $奈飞 (NFLX.US)$ series 'Squid Games'? If you haven't, go watch it now!!!
    And do you know there' a 'Squid Game' cryptocurrency and it's up nearly 2,400% in the last 24 hours? Squid is now $2.22 and its market capitalization is over $174 million.
    In fact, you can join the game yourself! The game is really coming! The Squid token was launched as the exclusive coin of the Squid Game project – a crypto play-to-earn platform. The online tournament, which launches in November, mimics the six rounds of games featured in its namesake TV show. But unlike its Netflix counterpart, the company said "we do not provide deadly consequences apparently!"
    This virtual simulation of Squid Game will not limit the maximum of the final bonus, nor the number of participants. Players will, however, have to pay a preset price in squid tokens in order to participate in each game, and some rounds also require users to purchase a custom-made NFT.
    This game is so interesting! What do you think? Do you want to participate in the game and win the final bonus?
    'Squid Game' cryptocurrency is up nearly 2,400%, do you want to join the game?
    103099893 留下了心情
    Jazzie, a U.S. resident who left her job in April to pursue entrepreneurial efforts.
    "Especially in the last two years, working in two or three supermarkets at the same time was routine for me," she said. "I had to work more than 60 hours a week, and I felt really tired."
    As she ventured out on her own, Jazzie found her busy entrepreneurial life inspired her to find ways to make her hard-earned money work for her.
    So Jazzie also spent more time and energy on investing but struggled with where to begin, that is until she found moomoo.
    "Moomoo is like a trustworthy old friend that provides you with all-around information to help you make the wisest and most well-thought-out decisions," Jazzie said.
    More importantly, because of her busy entrepreneurial life, Jazzie started to think more clearly and urgently about investing, and she also had more time to learn and practice investing.
    Jazzie said she first had a clear sense of how powerful investing can be when her dad told her at her twentieth birthday that if she kept investing $2,000 every year, she would have a significant amount of money by the time she was 25.
    "I wasn't that motivated at the time, but I was deeply touched," she said. "Later on, especially now, when I'm 25 and no longer have the support of my parents, I have to work harder to make money and have to rely on myself as an entrepreneur. I started thinking about how to make my money work for me. In that case, I could achieve financial freedom and retire a little earlier and focus on the things I truly love."
    So Jazzie took to investing.
    "Hopefully, someday in the future, I will become a senior investor," she said. "I hate living a life where I have to sit behind a desk all the time. After starting my own business, I can work remotely from home, but I'd rather not be on the computer all day and be on call all the time.
    I hope I can enjoy life to the fullest and stop running around, trying to make money. Therefore, I will work hard to learn more about investing and practice until I achieve my ultimate goal of financial freedom."
    But as she continued learning how to invest, she found a valuable tool with moomoo after a friend's recommendation.
    "For me, moomoo makes all investment information more open and transparent," Jazzie said. "Everyone can invest and make what they think is the best choice on a level playing field."
    Especially for investors like Jazzie and still learning the ins and outs, moomoo is user-friendly in terms of its functions and user experience.
    When needing to research investment varieties and targets, Jazzie found that the research materials on moomoo are comprehensive and easy to understand and provide her with the information she needs. For continuous advanced learning, and at the same time, the functions are easy to use and convenient.
    "One of the things that attracted me the most is moomoo's AI monitoring and predicting function, as well as customizable reminders," Jazzie said. "Moomoo is like an especially trustworthy old friend that provides you with a full range of information to help you make the wisest, most well-thoughted decisions."
    Jazzie has seen exceptional results with that trusted partner in hand, with over 17 percent returns (Past result is in no way a predictor of future gains. Your results will vary.) last year.
    "I'm happy with that, and I didn't pay too much attention to returns when I was operating because I know that markets are volatile, and you never know what's going to happen next," Jazzie said. "When returns go up, of course, I am happy, but when they go down, I would tell myself, now could be a time to buy-in. I keep reminding myself to stay cautiously optimistic and, as a newbie, to invest with caution and not put too much pressure on myself."
    Now, having accumulated some investment experience, Jazzie has also started to recommend moomoo to her friends who are interested in investing.
    "Moomoo is a stock trading platform that makes investing easier," she said. "Here, users can obtain the most comprehensive investment information. With moomoo, even a newbie who doesn't know anything can grow into a seasoned investor through hard work."
    Disclaimer: The above content represents the personal sharing and opinions of the guest, and does not constitute any recommendation, purchase, sale or holding of the above-mentioned stocks or investment strategies by Futu.   All investment involves risk. Prices of investment products may go up as well as down. Please understand the product risks and seek for professional advice before making any investment decisions.
    American newbie investor: Starting a business has made me eager to make money "work" for me