$Global X Metal Securities Aust (ETPMAG.AU)$
This is not a long term hold.
If you have balls and an appetite for risk, you can make a lot of money day-trading the volatility. Just don't hold for long enough to be "stuck" waiting for an exit that will never come. And always remember, the final decent towards zero will look just like an ordinary dip at the start, don't make the mistake of DCA at lower prices to try and trade out of it. just cut your losses and be ready to say "was good while it lasted"
If he issues enough shares (or zero interest converts le bonds) to buy all the $比特币 (BTC.CC)$ , those shares, by definition will be worth less than any BTC he doesn't own. Maybe he's hoping that this will create artificial scarcity, kinda like a huge burn wallet for BTC, that his dumb shareholders will pay for. In the process it dilutes existing shareholders, which will make him a lot of enemies, but will also negate what utility the cryptocurrency has, rendering it all worthless.