
Hamish Maclaren 男 ID: 70499252
    我们经常在moomoo上看到这样的资讯:"美国国债收益率 $美国10年期国债收益率 (US10Y.BD)$ 最近升至1.5%以上,是否会再次引起债券市场的抛售浪潮",新手布朗熊朋友们一定感到惊讶,为什么涨跌会导致抛售呢?看一下cme交易所上富途可以交易的美国10年期债券期货。有两种品种,即:
    让我们来看看 $10年美债主连(2412) (ZNmain.US)$。交易是直接价格的国债。期货合约的乘数为1000。根据130美元的报价,交易一个期货合约等于价值130,000美元的国债。每份ZN期货的交易保证金约为2,000美元。如果你开多,从130买入到132将获利2,000美元,相当于保证金翻倍,反之亦然。ZN期货的合约月份通常是3月、6月、9月和12月,目前交易的主力合约是ZN2112。
    看一下 $10年国债收益率主连(2410) (10Ymain.US)$债券收益率的交易价格,就是上述资讯所说的。期货合约乘数也是1000。根据1.5的行情,每个期货合约的价值只有1500美元,因此保证金只有250美元。如果开多,从1.5买入到1.75将获利250美元,相当于保证金加倍,反之亦然。10年期期货的合约月份通常是从当前月份开始的连续几个月,目前交易的主力合约是10Y2110。
    $阿里巴巴 (BABA.US)$
    1st idea: Short
    Target: $132
    2nd idea: Buy at $132
    Target: $150, $180
    The Chinese stock market still does not show any signs of an upcoming recovery. Nevertheless, we do believe that the correction might be over pretty soon.
    As for Alibaba stock, it dropped out of the global rising channel it usually moves into and even broke through the median line of the 2nd channel, which is a projection of the main one. We expect the price to come to $130 since it is a global support level and the bottom line of the 2nd channel.
    Unfortunately, if a $130 breakout happens, Alibaba will head towards the next support which is only at $86. But we do not believe in this scenario.
    $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ The recent bounce at 342 will be tested at around 355 if shares are to continue back up. We also have another critical resistance level around 364 based on the previous price action indicated on the chart. Share prices could head back down to previous support at 346.75 and 338 if it fails to hold above 355
    $标普零售指数ETF-SPDR (XRT.US)$ 市场正在回归到看好/整理的状态
    0.50的定价似乎不错(距离执行价11%) -80,60,执行价85
    $阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$ 150 will become an all-time high. Now every minute is the best selling point
    $恒生指数 (800000.HK)$ 今天恒生指数的趋势依然是昨天的稳定趋势,因此市场前景可能是一个整固的市场
    The following data is as of 12:00 on September 24
    PIMI revised yesterday: 1.97, rising inflection point
    PIMI today’s estimate: 3.60, rising period
    PIMI-C3 was revised yesterday: 4.19, [optimistic] rising period
    PIMI-C3 today’s estimate: 6.68, [excited] rising period
    Conclusion: 50% to 70% position (conservative strategy)
    $腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$ $恒生指数 (800000.HK)$ $恒生科技指数 (800700.HK)$
    $罗素2000指数主连(2412) (RTYmain.US)$ $iShares罗素2000指数ETF (IWM.US)$ RTY just completed 3 measured moves up, bringing price over first important resistance, but will it hols? This is all happening AH and PM, so I would not rule out just another bull trap.
    Looking at a longer term chart almost all previous correction consisted of 3 waves down. This one we are experiencing just now had only 2 legs, so I'm still looking for a 3rd one below recent lows.
    In case of a dip, I would be looking for support around 2126.
    $Energy Transfer (ET.US)$ I am quiet Neutral on ET at the moment. It showed some signs of a bounce on the 200 SMA but unless it can reclaim that 50 sma I am not bullish . strong area of resistance in coming which could create the first wave A. wave B could be a retest of the 200 SMA and wave C could be a break through of the 50 sma which will create the beginning of a new bullish trend for ET. All in affect probably mid Oct. with how this market has been all this can be invalid on any news coming from the FED or any update revolving around COVID. Good Luck everyone.
    $Match group (MTCH.US)$ 9月联邦公开市场委员会并没有令我们感到惊讶。尽管美联储表现出自疫情以来罕见的鹰派态度,但它未能恐吓股市。
    除了 “十月看涨股票” 中推荐的股票,例如$UBER和$FCEL,涨幅超过10%外,我们还推荐$CCL和$V。