
70900497 男 ID: 70900497
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ Dan bought 99 more today and if it dips to 4.68 in after hours ill get another fitty. this reminds me of the crazy Eddy electronic warehouse commercials in the early 80’s “Crazy Eddy his prices are so low he’s practically giving it all away. Crazy Eddy his prices are so low its INSANE!”
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ man i really hope it dips to 5.00 i have a limit order for 40 more only had 200 bucks to spare ill tell you though if it dips to 5 ill sell another 10 AMC to buy another 80 to 100 MMAT. i love getting a bargain. at 5 buckas mmat is like having buy one get one cupon on the sale day. i call that a bargain
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ 嘿有人拿到 TRCH 优先股了吗?这本应在 2 周前上线。还有任何 mmatf 持有者获得了 mmat 股票和调整了吗?那本应在星期五发生。这开始令人担忧了。
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ just set a limit order for 40 more shares at 6.25 so i hope it continues to dip
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ I am so fu<%ing tired of all tou people who came here because somebody on reddit who you dont know told you there would be a squeeze so yo came here late bought in high and now your crying and whining when will the shorts be forced to cover? wheres the squeeze? well let me tell you they wont be forced to cover and there wont be a squeeze. so you all bitch this stock sucks. this company’s going to be shorted out of existence wah wah wah. So sell at 7.5 so you lose 2.5 per share cuz you got in at 10 because of FOMO. please sell and leave then the price will go down and i can then buy more. You squeeze investors all lose your money because the hype drives up prices you get in high and dont get rich in a week so you sell at a loss. Meta material is a grossly under valued company institutions know this, look at all of them tha are long and they are laughing just waiting for all of you to panic so they can buy more on sale and so am i. in three years (barring a 2008 style market crash which very well may happen) this will be a hundred dollar stock in 3 years (and if there is a 2008 style market crash) history tells us small cap tech stocks will take the least beating, will be the first to rebound and have the fastest gains after rebounding. Please know what you own do some dam research and then either grab your balls and hold or cut your losses and leave but either way quit crying like babies, its getting...
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ 朋友们我不是财务顾问,这也不是财务顾问。但是我想请你考虑几件事,1. meta material是一家小型石油和天然气公司走到了最后一站吗?2. 在拥有 4k 大屏幕电视、环绕声和一百万个数字流媒体服务的时代,meta Material 是一家连锁电影院吗?3. meta Materials是一家实体视频游戏商店出售将在一年后过时的游戏的硬拷贝吗?因为这些是对冲基金希望走向灭绝的公司类型。而TRCH就是这样一家公司。meta material是一家拥有多项专利和项目合作伙伴关系的年轻公司,在新兴领域具有先发优势。这不是对冲基金希望做空的那种公司。
    现在,如果你来这里是因为 reddit 上的某个白痴叫你这样做,你认为在长达一周的短时间内就能致富,那你就错了。另外,如果你来这里的话,你可能还以 10 或 11 美元的高价买入了现在又生气又惊慌失措。我对你说这个不要。适应,改变策略并持有,事实上,随着价格的下跌,如果可以的话,可以多买。目前,这家公司处于非常短期的变化状态,合并甚至还没有 100% 完成。MMATF 持有者甚至还没有分拆新股。许多人还没有获得 TRCH 的首选股票。让尘埃落定空头就会流出。多头,包括机构多头,...
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ has anybody gotten their TRCH prefered dividend yet? more importantly has anybody else not gotten it?
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ boy MMATF is having pretty violent swings today as high as 16 as low as 11 and dancing up and down in between
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ sold 10 AMC to buy 74 more MMAT. if AMC HITS 60 im selling 5 more to buy more MMAT. im already way in the money on AMC i got in that to swing it MMAT is a longterm hold. MMAT is an investment not a meme.
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ my mmatf shares did not convert to mmat. mmatf is still being traded on the otc and its getting smaked WTF. i thought i was supposed to get 1.845 shares of mmat for my mmatf what the hell is going on?