
ALL888888 保密 ID: 71349832
    $DoorDash(DASH.US)$ 现在很多餐馆都没有生意了还订单创新高做假得很
    $黑莓(BB.US)$ . 周一表示,它将以6亿美元的价格将其几乎所有的非核心专利资产出售给总部位于美国的特殊用途汽车Catapult IP Innovations Inc.
    $Sono Group(SEV.US)$ 走得就走吧!这只垃圾股已经没有动力了!很有可能回落到$10
    $黑莓(BB.US)$ 多年来,黑莓(BB)-(获取黑莓有限报告)已经改变了其业务。将近10年前,它是手机领域的市场领导者,甚至超过了苹果(AAPL)——获取苹果公司报告。但是iOS和安卓设备很快取代了黑莓,使其手机几乎过时。因此,黑莓做出了一些改变。快进到今天,黑莓是世界顶级的网络安全提供商之一。一份独立报告发现,其解决方案解决了所有网络威胁的96%以上。但自6月初达到峰值以来,该公司的股价一直处于困境。当时,一场模因股狂潮将BB推至每股15美元以上。这家加拿大网络安全公司目前的估值为每股9美元,在上个月下跌了近20%。相比之下,标准普尔500指数(SPY)——获取SPDR标准普尔500指数ETF信托报告,后者同期仅下跌了2%。图1:BB与SPY在1个月内的表现。谷歌财经但是,有一些催化剂应该会推动BB股票在2022年上涨。下面,我们列出了其中的一些。(阅读来自华尔街模因的更多内容:Rivian 股票,被高估了吗?华尔街预计上涨幅度高达50%)黑莓催化剂 #1:专利销售根据首席执行官约翰·陈的说法,黑莓在本季度完成其移动设备、消息和无线专利组合的出售的可能性为80%。具体而言,它应该在圣诞节前后发生。黑莓尚未透露投资组合买家的身份。陈说,谈判的时间比预期的要长。他补充说:“如果 [交易] 在本季度无法完成,我们还有其他选择,包括其他利益相关方。” 黑莓尚未正式披露交易数字。但是多年来,华尔街一直推测,专利组合的价值可能在10亿美元至16亿美元之间。尽管此次出售有可能导致失望,但一旦陈和管理团队的其他成员达成一笔不错的交易,投资者也很有可能感到惊喜。黑莓催化剂 #2:2022年CES技术会议1月5日,消费者技术协会将举办其年度CES会议(前身为消费电子展)。该活动在拉斯维加斯举行,被认为是世界上最具影响力的科技盛会。黑莓将参加,展出其IVY技术软件以及其他即将推出的项目。BlackBerry IVY 是一款可扩展的云连接软件,为汽车制造商提供了一种安全且一致的方式来收集车辆传感器数据。IVY是通过与亚马逊(AMZN)——获取亚马逊公司报告网络服务(AWS)部门合作开发的。该软件应帮助汽车制造商降低成本、改善运营并增加收入。在消费者方面,黑莓承诺IVY将增强驾驶体验。CES会议有望为黑莓带来一些不错的常春藤合同。黑莓催化剂 #3:网络安全趋势市场分析师自上而下预测,到2026年,全球网络安全市场将增长至3450亿美元,复合年增长率接近10%(见下文)。图2:2021年至2026年全球网络安全市场的规模。Statista如果黑莓仍然是该领域的相关参与者,它将受益于全行业的增长利好。我们的看法黑莓及其股票在2022年可能实现巨大增长的原因有很多。当股票相对便宜时,我们认为现在有理由买入。
    $黑莓(BB.US)$ BlackBerry Granted Four U.S. Patents: 'Method and system for signaling release cause indication in a UMTS network'
    $黑莓(BB.US)$ BlackBerry Brief: BlackBerry, L-SPARK Launch Third Cohort of Accelerator Program to Advance Canadian Connected Vehicle Technology Innovation
    $黑莓(BB.US)$ BlackBerry recognized for its prevention first approach BlackBerry Limited (NYSE: BB; TSX: BB) today announced that SE Labs has rated BlackBerry as the best new endpoint security offering of 2021. https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/726868/BlackBerry_Logo.jpg SE Labs prides itself on providing the most realistic and honest cybersecurity testing. The organization hires innovative researchers to replicate the most accurate 'real world' testing scenarios possible. As workplaces open and hybrid work brings with it a range of new attack vectors, it's even more critical that security software be tested against these evolving threats. "Being rated as best new endpoint solution reflects the work done by our development and engineering teams.," says Billy Ho, Executive Vice President, BlackBerry Spark Group Products. "Our Cylance AI/ML models are in their seventh generation and have analyzed over 1.4 trillion files, extracting over 20 billion features. This scale was also reflected in SE Labs July 2021 testing, where BlackBerry's achieved 100% efficacy with zero false positives against recent malware. We're excited by the continued industry and market recognition of our security solutions." Cybersecurity benchmarking is increasingly important, as the cybercriminal landscape has never posed more of a threat to businesses. With the cybercriminal underground increasingly operating like the business world, the desire to quickly monetize viruses is growing. In the past 12 months alone, the BlackBerry Research and Intelligence team have uncovered the world's largest cyber espionage group as well as an 'enterprise' level Initial Access Broker linked to some of the more rampant ransomware strains. BlackBerry's advance intelligence for endpoint security, Cylance AI, focuses on prevention first, stopping attacks before they infiltrate systems or exploit other weaknesses. "2021 has been the first year we have tested this product with BlackBerry publicly. When judging for our annual awards it is hard to ignore when a new, significant vendor enters our tests and performs so well from the start," said Simon Edwards, CEO SE Labs. Blackberry has demonstrated excellent performance in our 'real-world' testing, and the product is well regarded by both our expert panel of judges and users of the product. We would like to congratulate BlackBerry on achieving the award for best new endpoint." Copies of the 2021 SE Labs report can be downloaded here. BlackBerry Research & Intelligence ReportsPlease follow the links below to read more of the BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team's latest reports, including: BAHAMUT: Hack-for-Hire Masters of Phishing, Fake News, and Fake Apps, Hunter Becomes Hunted: Zebra2104 Hides a Herd of Malware, or Finding Beacons in the Dark Finding Beacons in the Dark: A Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence; the industry's most comprehensive collection of cyber threat intelligence focused on Cobalt Strike
    $黑莓(BB.US)$ 如果 BB 是美国公司,价格已经超过 100 美元了。希望它能尽快被亚马逊收购 🤔😀