
Bernard68 男 ID: 101643975
Newbie in investment
    Bernard68 参与了投票
    春节期间,向亲戚朋友发送新年祝福是中华民族的传统。从我观察到的情况来看, 那些发出最真挚的新年祝福通常能收到最多的红包。
    是时候提高自己的技能了,伙计! 现在就挑选以下的新年祝福,给你的亲戚们留下深刻的印象吧!
    Bernard68 评论了
    欢迎回到 Mooers's Stories! 上个月,你们中的许多人分享了自己的故事 你在交易时犯的最大错误。在本次会议中,我们想知道: 你是如何应对股市损失的?
    有一句老话,”我们最大的荣耀不是永不坠落,而是每次跌倒时都会崛起。“这也适用于股票市场交易。 没有人想输,但是赔钱是游戏的一部分。它可以...
    The UK’s competition regulator said on Tuesday that  $苹果 (AAPL.US)$  and  $谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$  have too much control over how users of mobile devices access information and make online purchases, and urges the government to allow it greater powers to intervene on anti-competitive behaviour.
    The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), in response to a probe and consultation process launched earlier this year, said that when a mobile device is purchased, the owner is obliged to enter Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android ecosystem.
    “As a result, Apple and Google are able to control how online content, such as mobile apps and websites, is provided to users,” Tuesday’s announcement said.
    在这个感恩节,我们想问你——在你的投资之旅中,你感恩的是什么? 是你支持的家人吗?你的投资伙伴?你的盈利股票?一本你读过的书?也许是一个专家?名单还在不断延伸。有很多我们感激和在内心深处感恩的事情。为什么不趁现在表达最诚挚的感谢呢!? 加入话题讨论 #对此,我心存感激 并获得奖励!
    今年你最感激哪些股票?反之,哪些股票让你深有体会? 无论成功与失败,我们总有理由感激,因为它让我们变得更强大,更有投资经验。
    交易或投资从来都不是一件容易的事情。幸好,我们的家人或朋友提供了支持。 在充满挑战的时候,我们的家人和朋友给予了情感上的支持。, 在投资生活的曲折和转变中给予鼓励也能理解和接受你对生活的愿望,这种安慰是无价的
    你是否有一位导师在你投资之初指引你? 你是否发现有哪本书对你做决策有帮助? 当你不知所措时,有无数的网上课程和书籍可以参考。 你想向哪一个表示感谢?不要忘记感谢自己
    当我们决定投资并从零开始学习时,是时候做出这个勇敢的决定和艰难的选择了。 我们做出了一个勇敢的决定和艰难的选择。不要忘记,我们是勇敢的人,应该对此感激。
    所有金钱买不到的东西无论您的投资组合或个股的表现如何,重要的是要记住, 生活中最好的事情是免费的节假日和与家人共度的时光总能向我们证明这一点,无论市场如何,这是我们每天都应该感激的事情。
    5个最好的帖子 将获得 1,888 积分;
    10个特色帖子 将获得 888 积分;
    所有参与者将获得 88 积分。
    持续时间现在-11月 29日,11:59 PM (ET)
    1. 只有 相关的帖子 并且,我非常感激您添加话题的数量。(请在话题下发帖)
    2. 最少字数要求: 50个单词
    3. 获奖者将于12月2日公布。
    感谢您,祝愿我们所有的交易和投资都能好运。加入话题时别忘了附上你的感恩晚餐的照片 #对此,我感激不尽
    澳大利亚股市持平,而日本股市的股指期货上涨,香港股市的股指期货下跌。 $标普500指数 (.SPX.US)$ 和科技股为代表的美国股市指数在美国感恩节假期前低开。数据显示,尽管通胀飙升,美国消费者的消费仍持续增长,预示着年底有望迎来增长高峰。 $纳斯达克100指数 (.NDX.US)$ 数据显示,尽管通胀飙升,美国消费者的消费仍持续增长,预示着年底有望迎来增长高峰。
    $ADIDAS AG (ADDDF.US)$ Orignals,这个以运动鞋为主打的服饰品牌,在推特上发布了一条神秘的公告,表示已与 $Coinbase (COIN.US)$达成合作,称这可能是“无用之举”。
    Disappointing earnings reports have cost prominent U.S. retailers about $107亿 in market value this week, with stalwarts such as $诺德斯特龙 (JWN.US)$ $Gap Inc (GPS.US)$ posting their worst one-day plunges on record.
    Investors shaved about $15亿 off Nordstrom on Wednesday, with the stock closing down 29%. The cut for Gap was even deeper at about $21亿, while two days of carnage overtook $迪克体育用品 (DKS.US)$ (down about $14亿) and $爱芬奇 (ANF.US)$ ($46000万).
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ 特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克的信托基金在周二晚根据本周发布的财务文件出售了大约10.5亿美元的股票。这标志着在过去两周中累计出售了98.5亿美元的股票。
    $ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK.US)$凯西·伍德在周三告诉CNBC说,苹果本可以通过收购特斯拉来占领无人驾驶车市场。“我们很高兴他们没有这样做”,伍德说道,她是特斯拉的长期超级牛市支持者,并且相信CEO埃隆·马斯克。伍德还表示,在CNBC上,她认为马斯克出售股票并支付与期权授予相关的数十亿美元的税单是“没有问题的”。 $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ 凯西·伍德在周三告诉CNBC说,苹果本可以通过收购特斯拉来占领无人驾驶车市场。“我们很高兴他们没有这样做”,伍德说道,她是特斯拉的长期超级牛市支持者,并且相信CEO埃隆·马斯克。伍德还表示,在CNBC上,她认为马斯克出售股票并支付与期权授予相关的数十亿美元的税单是“没有问题的”。
    Semiconductors, automobiles and the potential for tie-ups between the two industries took the spotlight in the tech sector with seemingly everyone from $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ to $高通 (QCOM.US)$ getting behind the wheel this week.
    Let's start with $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ which said...Absolutely nothing. But, reports that the company has developed a semiconductor "breakthrough", and will produce a fully autonomous electric car within four year were enough to send just about everyone wondering what companies might benefit from Apple putting a so-called "iCar" on the road.
    Other chip companies involved into automotive industry actually did have a lot to say during the week. One of those was $英伟达 (NVDA.US)$, which got a big boost on Wall Street following its better-than-expected earnings report. Nvidia (NVDA) also said it was still pushing ahead with efforts to acquire British chip-technology company Arm Holdings despite more governmental inquiries into the proposed $40 billion acquisition.
    $高通 (QCOM.US)$ wouldn't be outdone, as it said it secured a deal to provide its chip technology to BMW for a new generation of the automakers self-driving cars. Qualcomm Chief Executive Cristiano Amon also touted the company's automotive plans as part of its efforts to diversity into new industries for its chip products.
    If that wasn't enough, $通用汽车 (GM.US)$ also said it was working with Qualcomm and other chipmakers to supply semiconductors for its vehicles in an effort to get around chip industry supply shortages.
    Back to Apple for a moment. Chief Executive Tim Cook said Apple employees should plan on returning to the office, at least part time, on February 1. Apple also started up a new service program that will let consumers perform their own repairs on some Apple products.
    Streaming TV companies weren't being quiet this week, either. $奈飞 (NFLX.US)$ unveiled a new website where it will show its top-rated TV shows and movies every week.
    $迪士尼 (DIS.US)$ said it is raising the price of its Hulu Live TV service by $5 to $69.99 a month, but will include ESPN+ and Disney+ as part of the streaming package.
    $Roku Inc (ROKU.US)$ took a hit after analyst Michael Nathanson cut his rating on the company's stock to sell due to slower advertising growth on the Roku Channel. There were also reports that Roku is developing more than 50 original shows for the Roku Channel.
    After a bidding war between some of the largest TV broadcasters and streamers, $康卡斯特 (CMCSA.US)$managed to renew its deal to carry games of the English Premier League for another six years.
    For people who use $优步 (UBER.US)$ a lot, the ride-sharing leader unveiled its new Uber One program where, for a monthly or annual fee, subscribers can get discounts on ride and free food and grocery delivery from Uber Eats.
    Tech Roundup: Chipmakers and car companies hit the road together
    $昇菘 (OV8.SG)$ 叩叩!醒来并向上移动……希望它不是在昏迷状态下的1.50美元。
    According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Barclays Bank submitted the third quarter (Q3) position report (13F) as of September 30, 2021.
    According to statistics, the total market value of Barclays Bank's positions in the third quarter reached 222.223 billion US dollars. The total market value of the previous quarter was 211.642 billion US dollars, an increase of 5% from the previous quarter. Barclays Bank added 266 new stocks to its holdings portfolio in the first quarter and increased its holdings by 2,664 stocks. At the same time, Barclays Bank also reduced its holdings of 1,371 stocks and liquidated 376 stocks. Among them, the top ten holdings accounted for 30.76% of the total market value.
    From the perspective of holding preferences, IT, financial and communications stocks rank among the top three, accounting for 23.13%, 22.12% and 11.57% of the total holdings respectively.
    Among the top five major stocks, the S&P 500 Index ETF (put options, SPY) ranked first, holding approximately 36.93 million shares and holdings with a market value of approximately US$15.8 billion, a decrease of 2% from the previous quarter’s holdings and accounting for a proportion of the portfolio. It was 7.13%.
    The Nasdaq 100ETF (put options, QQQ) ranked second, holding approximately 25.97 million shares and holdings with a market value of approximately US$9.3 billion, a 36% decrease from the previous quarter and accounting for 4.18% of the portfolio.
    Russell 2000 index ETF (put options, IWM) ranked third, holding about 32.87 million shares, holding a market value of about 7.2 billion US dollars, an increase of 1% from the previous quarter, and accounting for 3.24% of the portfolio.
    The S&P 500 Index ETF (call option) ranked fourth, holding approximately 15.95 million shares and holdings with a market value of approximately US$6.8 billion, a 33% decrease in the number of holdings compared with the previous quarter, accounting for 3.08% of the portfolio.
    Apple (AAPL.US) ranked fifth, holding approximately 41.92 million shares and holding a market value of approximately US$5.9 billion, an increase of 10% from the previous quarter’s holdings, accounting for 2.67% of the portfolio.
    $SPDR 标普500指数ETF (SPY.US)$ $纳指100ETF-Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ.US)$ $iShares罗素2000指数ETF (IWM.US)$ $苹果 (AAPL.US)$
    Barclays Bank Q3 Positions