
biebierella 女 ID: 102378436
    biebierella 评论了
    致电所有 MOOMOO 用户!
    我们很高兴地宣布,我们的 官方 moomoo 脸书群组和电报频道 现已上线,我们所有珍贵的 moomoo 爱好者都可以收看最新的 moomoo 公告!
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    1. What does Rewards Club offer?
    Our Rewards Club features a slew of attractive gifts and perks and is exclusive to users who have a FUTU SG securities account. Savvy traders can use the points that they have accumulated to redeem a variety of rewards such as moomoo merchandise, paper trading cards, Futu coupons and exclusive partner deals.
    2. How can I access the Rewards Club?
    To access the Rewards Club, go to your ‘Me’ page. Tap on ‘Task Center’ and click on ‘Rewards Club’ at the top right-hand corner of the page.
    3. How can I earn points on moomoo?
    Sign in
    Login to the Task Center to earn points daily. Earn bonus points when you sign in for consecutive days in a row.
    Complete tasks
    Earn points by completing daily tasks such as reading the news, following a friend and participating in the ‘Moo’ community. If you are a new user, you will also have the opportunity to complete one-time off tasks
    Participate in activities
    Earn points by participating in activities and contests organised in the moomoo app and our social media channels (Facebook & Instagram: @moomoosingapore). Log in daily as there may be new surprises and opportunities for you to earn more points!
    4. How will I receive my rewards?
    Upon redemption, we will mail out the merchandise to users within 21 days after the mailing address is filled in. Merchandise is only available for users with a Singapore residential address.
    Paper Trading Cards
    Once redeemed, you can access the Paper Trading Cards via ‘Paper Trading - Me - My Card’. These cards have to be manually activated.
    Futu Coupons
    Once redeemed, Futu Coupons can be accessed via ‘Me - Data Store - My Quotes’. These coupons have to be manually activated.
    5. How do the paper trading cards work?
    Reset Card: Restores the initial virtual funds and clear historical transactions in your paper trading account.
    Defense Card: Disallow others from viewing your positions and transactions for 24 hours in your paper trading account.
    View Card: Check out the positions and transactions of another user’s public account for 24 hours in your paper trading account.
    6. How do the Futu Coupons work?
    National LV1: It provides real-time quotes from all 13 major U.S. stock exchange including NASDAQ, NYSE, and CBOE as well as OTC Data from FINRA TRF.
    OPRA Option Depth Quotes: It provides real-time quotes and in-depth bid/ask price of 16 US Options Exchanges.
    HKG Securities LV2: It provides real-time L2 quotes and market data of the HK stock exchange.
    NYSE OpenBook: It provides a real-time view of the exchange’s Limit order book for all NYSE-traded securities.
    NASDAQ TotalView: It provides real-time depth data at every price level on Nasdaq- and regional-listed securities listed on Nasdaq. TotalView gives quotes and orders that are not visible in the legacy Level 2 display.
    SG Futures LV1: It provides three kinds of quotes services of Singapore futures - delayed quotes, LV1 and LV2.
    7. How do I view my points and rewards history?
    To view your points history, go to Task Center - Rewards Club - Points Details.
    To view your rewards history, go to Task Center - Rewards Club - Redeemed.
    8. Are my points transferable and can it be converted to cash?
    Points cannot be transferred and converted into cash.  
    9. Is there a limit to the number of moomoo merchandise that I can redeem on Rewards Club?
    A user can redeem a variety of merchandise but cannot redeem the same item more than once in a month.
    10. Will moomoo merchandise be restocked when it is sold out on Rewards Club?
    Our merchandise are restocked twice daily at 10:00hrs and 21:00hrs SGT. If you see that the item that you want to redeem is sold out, please check back at the next available timing as some items may be restocked.
    12. How do I find out when new moomoo merchandise are launched on Rewards Club?
    Be the first to know about new merchandise launches on Rewards Club by following the official @moomoo Rewards community page here and our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram: @moomoosingapore).
    13. Who can I contact if I have issues with the rewards that I have redeemed?
    If you need help, you can get in touch with us through our Customer Service in-app chat on the moomoo app or drop us an email at clientmarketing@futusg.com. We will respond to you within 2-3 business days.
    14. I am unable to view the merchandise on my Rewards Club, how can I make a redemption?
    If you have issues viewing the merchandise on our Rewards Club, you can email us at clientmarketing@futusg.com with the item you wish to redeem, screenshot of the points available in your account, moomoo ID, name, mailing address and contact number. We will respond to your within 2-3 business days and proceed to do a manual redemption for you.
    Important Note:
    If a user is found to have redeemed rewards through improper means (including but not limited to cheating, using multiple accounts to redeem, disrupting the system, or carrying out cyber attacks), FUTU SG has the rights to retract the rewards given and the points will not be returned to the user.
    【SG】Rewards Club FAQ
    biebierella 评论了

    嘿 moo-ers,
    我们一直在寻找更好的奖励 对于我们的用户。这就是为什么我们在10.10为你准备了一些大计划的原因!
    今年,富途新加坡与Shopee合作举办了10.10的Shopee品牌节!只需 10 个奖励积分,即可在 2021 年 10 月 1 日至 10 日期间兑换各种 Shopee 折扣和现金返还券*。
    快点,立即前往我们的奖励俱乐部兑换您的 Shopee 奖励,并一定要与您的朋友和家人分享这个消息,这样他们也不会错过!
    【SG】在我们的奖励俱乐部只需 10 点积分即可兑换 Shopee 奖励!
    【SG】在我们的奖励俱乐部只需 10 点积分即可兑换 Shopee 奖励!
    上周对最高总盈亏进行最接近猜测的 3 位幸运的 moomoo 玩家将获得一个专属的 moomoo 小雕像!
    恭喜这些用户赢了moomoo 舞狮公仔(价值 10,000 点积分)。
    @Baby 步骤
    1。截止日期:2021 年 9 月 17 日,新加坡标准时间下午 12:00,
    4.如果有超过 3 位获奖者,我们将采用 3 条最早的评论。

    来这里登记册参加第 3 季美国股票票据交易大赛!!!
    如果您有任何问题或反馈,只需在下方评论或 @ 我们!别忘了关注我们的官方账号 @PaperTradingOfficial,在这里你可以了解有关纸质交易的所有信息。如果你是我们的幸运赢家之一,请给我们发一封电子邮件 clientmarketing@futusg.com,告知你的全名、moomoo ID、新加坡居住地址和联系电话。我们将在收到您的电子邮件并完成验证过程后的7个工作日内将您的奖品邮寄给您。
    如果您有任何问题或反馈,只需在下方发表评论或@ 我们!别忘了关注我们的官方账号 @PaperTradingOfficial,在这里你可以学习关于纸质交易的所有知识。
    [新加坡地区] S3 W2 猜出最高的总盈亏来获胜!
    [新加坡地区] S3 W2 猜出最高的总盈亏来获胜!
    [新加坡地区] S3 W2 猜出最高的总盈亏来获胜!
    biebierella 评论了
    先用最快的手指!一定要购买我们的限量版 中秋商品 在他们被抢走之前,立即加入我们的奖励俱乐部!
    在这里祝愿我们所有的摩尔人 中秋节快乐!
    biebierella 留下了心情
    biebierella 留下了心情
    首先,我们想说一句非常感谢为了你的支持 和爱我们的 momoo 商品!我们喜欢在他们的新家里看到我们的商品,所以请继续关注他们,当你在 moo 社区分享它们时一定要给我们加标签!