
C w6 男 ID: 70867751
Just an idiot passing time waiting on my trip to the moon.
    for those of you who are afraid to hold this stock too long, don't be. This has a lot of upside potential for one but even more importantly 9 out of 10 apes agree that having amc stock makes you look sexier and how can you put a value on that.
    Been a cherry flavored morning which is fine by me I love cherry. Wouldn't mind following it up with a lime flavored afternoon but happy to sit around eating these crayons either way.
    well I sold the last of my etherium this weekend. I'll probably move back into it a but once the dust settles so no hate when it happens please lol but for now just added another 118 shares. I'm legit out of money to spend now so if amc wants to have a good rest of the week that would be fine by me lol.
    purchased an even 20 today spent everything I could afford out of this paycheck lol was really hoping to catch at 59 but settled for 61. Really got to start limiting myself more lol
    no such thing as a bad day to own amc. You have discount days to get good prices, we get growth days to relax and watch our good decisions and some days we trade flat where we just relax and mock hedgefunds that are still paying interest. no bad days though just a few options to keep things interesting.
    Price so high now. Insane to think buying 100 shares distorts my average so heavily. Just couldn't pull the trigger on it so I only got 20.
    You guys are a little too concerned with it being x dollar or Y dollar. don't get me wrong the option calls to up the price is cool but the money everyone wants is the shorts covering likely from margin call. and these shorts are so far negative it almost does not matter if we are at 50 or 60. that aside what will matter is them collecting enough shares on a daily basis to make holding and buying them slowly more profitable while paying interest than having to suck it up and cover. This is why holding is important if your goal is to push a squeeze.
    Anyway was a good day and I hope you are all having fun....