
Danny Milner 男 ID: 71127445
    $Cosmos Health (COSM.US)$ 有人在COSm周五早盘交易吗?
    $Imperial Petroleum (IMPP.US)$ 准备好一美元,但不要指望能保持住,除非你打算进行一些密集购买。如果趋势保持不变,我们很可能会回落在87-90之间。这不是投资建议,这是战略策略。
    $Imperial Petroleum (IMPP.US)$ ......有些人去了洗手间或者在工作时看到价格一落千丈。如果你注意到过去两天的成交量非常高,那是因为日内和波段交易者。他们一般不会持有股票超过几个小时。有些人可能会持有一整天,但大多数人在首次亏损2%之后就会离开。话虽如此,你必须能够和他们玩这个游戏,如果你做不到,就买点安定片之类的。学会设置限价单。制定一个策略并坚持下去。这就是他们所做的。当股票从97跌到79时,他们不会哭泣,因为他们在94离场了。
    $Imperial Petroleum (IMPP.US)$ 持有者们都需要练习耐心和策略。当股票下跌时,请不要抱怨。IMPP股票已经在5天内上涨了60%,接下来还有收益和油轮的到来。期权在17日到期。会有些许困难,但渐进式上涨总比一飞冲天好。飞涨股票会导致空头,空头会伤害您,所以缓慢而稳定地进展才能获得收益。在获利之时稍作调整并进行再投资,以提高杠杆作用。
    $Imperial Petroleum (IMPP.US)$ I see there are the same type of investors on here as there are on other brokerages. Get away from comparing IMPP to the price of oil and gas. In some respects they run opposite of one another. High supply side=lower oil price=higher shipping volume. By the same token it reverses some when the price of oil goes up but volume doesnt increase. If a company raises the price of their food processor by 10.00, that doesn’t mean Fed Ex raises their shipping costs, or that ...
    I think people are becoming numb to what the Fed does or says. It used to take a week or so for stocks to show any real improvement after they dropped an announcement. Now it’s a day or two. The Fed is trapped at this point. Theyre addicted to printing money and government loves to spend it on stupid things like trying to maintain their laundromat in Ukraine or play war in the Middle East and Africa. Consumer spending was reported to be at an all time high even with record inflation, so people a...
    On here I was in the red because I consolidated all the smaller holdings into one stock which is a holder. On my other accounts I was in the green because many of those holdings are dividend stocks with a reputation for doing good even amongst downturns and they have. Tech stocks and such are purely speculative. If one hits thats great but for every one that does good there are 10 that don’t. After all this C-19 crap I’m not the least bit enthused or even interested in investing in vulture healt...
    I’m not concerned about all this green stuff because most of it is a scam. The rest is just a distraction. Probably 50% of the population is going to be dead in two years thanks to food shortages and big Pharma so thats going to go a long way towards those 0 carbon goals that can only exist with depopulation methods. With that being said, enjoy your day and the remainder of your time while you’re alive.
    The future is right where its always been in investing. Oil, energy, Minerals anything revolving around Natural Resources. All the tech stocks in the world, all the pharma stocks, none of it is possible without Natural Resources being used. So you can speculate all you like on which company out of a million is going to be a shooting star, but ill leave my flag planted in the ground.