
GoldenGold 男 ID: 70567783
    GoldenGold 评论了
    $英伟达 (NVDA.US)$
    GoldenGold 评论了
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ 很少有公司(少于1%)能够长期增长,对于个人投资者而言,如果有能力的话,找到并持有它们是一个很好的策略。公共基金有仓位限制和相对排序,长期表现良好的行业板块平衡和轮动。顶级公司就像最美丽的一样明显,但需要特别注意的是惊人而美丽的,而不是流星,这需要持续跟踪和灵活调整,不仅要关注总体趋势的判断,还要面对市场的反馈。 $英伟达 (NVDA.US)$
    GoldenGold 评论了
    I have mentioned on 5 Nov 2021 that a change of character bar showed up in $WTI原油主连(2411) (CLmain.US)$ (as circled) on 4 Nov and the up move is stopped for now with the immediate support around 75, as shown in the screenshot of my Telegram Group below:
    Since then, crude oil had a test of the supply zone followed by a reversal and a reaction. Last Friday, it was testing the support zone (as boxed up in green) near 75, as shown below:
    Now, let’s take a look at charts of Oil Services ETF (OIH) and Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (XOP) as a representation of a basket of the crude oil related stocks below, where I have highlighted the bar on 4 Nov in yellow because this is where the change of character bar showed up in the crude oil chart:
    Since 4 Nov, both $石油服务指数ETF-VanEck (OIH.US)$ and $标普油气开采指数ETF-SPDR (XOP.US)$ have broken below the support and on a sharp down move. This is not unexpected since these two ETFs are closely correlated with the crude oil performance.
    Seasonality of Crude Oil
    From the seasonality of the crude oil chart based on 21 years of data as shown below, it is clear to note that in general, crude oil tends to start a downtrend in end of Oct until Dec where Oct, Nov and Dec are the worst 3 continuous months in terms of average return by month.
    Does that mean the current downtrend in crude oil will last until December at least?
    Not necessary. Ultimately, we still need to interpret the current chart of the crude oil.
    Crude Oil Analogue comparison
    As shown in the daily chart below, crude oil is still in a well-established up channel.
    In July 2021, crude oil rallied into the overbought line of the channel and had a a-b-c reaction started a short-term downtrend until Sep 2021.
    As the current correction is still unfolding in the crude oil, there is similarity of the current correction compared to Jul’s, where I have highlighted using 3 different colors.
    Last Friday’s bar hit the support area near 75 and is in an oversold condition, we might expect crude oil to have a rally to test the axis line near 80 before resumption of the downward movement.
    Should the support area near 75 fail to hold, we can expect a test of 72 where the demand line of the channel could provide support. Most importantly, we will need to judge the character of the price movement together with the volume to anticipate the up-coming movement for the crude oil.
    In terms of the volume, it is still considered as non-threatening hence I believe this could be still a normal pullback within an uptrend for crude oil.
    Let's be patient and pay close attention to how the price interacts at the key level so that we can plan accordingly.
    Safe trading. $石油服务指数ETF-VanEck (OIH.US)$
    Here's what history says about Crude Oil performance during the last quarter Q4
    Here's what history says about Crude Oil performance during the last quarter Q4
    Here's what history says about Crude Oil performance during the last quarter Q4
    GoldenGold 评论了
    我的投资之旅开始得很晚,但我很幸运有一路上的指导。优秀交易平台像 这样的无疑帮了大忙。阅读书籍并听从建议也很有帮助。学会管理交易非常重要。 $富途控股 (FUTU.US)$确实很有帮助。阅读书籍并遵循建议也是很有帮助的。学会如何管理交易非常关键。
    感谢家人和朋友的支持。特别感谢 @WYCKOFFPRO 提供宝贵建议的人。
    GoldenGold 评论了
    I would use my non trading days to read and think.  The subjects I read not only focus on the investment ,but also focus on entrepreneurs management & philosophy.. Then only able to consolidate what I learn in order to improve my investment plan..
    GoldenGold 评论并参与了投票
    在这个感恩节,我们想问你——在你的投资旅程中,你感激什么? 这些是你想要支持的家人吗?你的投资伙伴?你赚钱的股票?你读过的书?也许是一位专家?清单还有很多。有很多事情我们深深感激并对之心存感激之情。为什么不趁此机会表达你的感谢呢!? 加入话题讨论 #对此我感激不尽。 并获得奖励!
    你今年最感激哪些股票?相反,哪些股票给了你一个教训? 无论成功与否,我们总是有理由心存感激,因为这让我们变得更强大,更有经验的投资者。
    交易或投资从来都不是一件容易的事情。幸运的是,我们的家人或朋友提供 在艰难时期提供情感支持, 在投资生涯的曲折中提供鼓励,以及被理解和接受的安慰,因为你想要用生活做些什么。
    你有 在初始阶段指导你的导师吗 在您投资的旅程中,您是否发现了一些有用的书籍? 是什么书对您做决策有帮助?在您迷茫时,有无数在线课程和书籍可以帮助您。您想向谁表示感谢?
    当我们决定投资并从头学习时,我们做出了一个勇敢的决定和艰难的选择。 不要忘记,我们是一个勇敢的人,我们应该为此感到感激。金钱买不到的东西
    所有的事情都是金钱买不到的无论你的投资组合或个股表现如何,重要的是要记住,所有这些都是免费的。 生命中最美好的事情是免费的。假期和与家人共度的时间总是向我们证明了这一点,无论市场如何,这都是我们每天都应该感恩的事情。
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    持续时间现在至11月29日晚上11:59 (ET)
    1. 仅限相关帖子 和那些添加话题 #对此,我感激计数。 (请在话题下发帖。) 2. 最低字数要求:
    谢谢,祝所有投资交易的人好运。在这里参与讨论时不要忘记附上你的感恩节晚餐的照片 #对此我感激不尽。
    GoldenGold 评论了
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ 嗨,各位,我是一个新投资者,我可以问一下什么是股票拆分吗?当股票拆分时,这是好事还是坏事?谢谢你们的帮助!:)
    GoldenGold 评论了
    Cathie Wood's flagship $ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK.US)$continues to feel the pressure as the fund ended in the red on Monday -4.19% and has now closed to the downside in eight of the last ten trading sessions.
    Over the past ten days ARKK has fallen 12.44% and now trades -13.86% year-to-date.
    The exchange traded fund touched an intraday low of $107.59, which it has not seen in well over a month, dating back to October 5.
    Moreover, investors appear to be fleeing themselves from ARKK. Since November 1, the ETF has also witnessed an outpour of capital flows totaling $359.94M, according to etfdb.com.
    Fueling ARKK’s recent selloff has been the rise of the $美国10年期国债收益率 (US10Y.BD)$yield, which has climbed 16 basis points over the same period. Traditionally as yields ascend, they put pressure on tech-heavy names which ARKK holds.
    Below is a two-month chart of ARKK highlighting its recent ten day decline. Investors opposed to ARKK may look towards the $Tradr 2X Short Innovation Daily ETF (SARK.US)$, which is ARKK's inverse competitor fund that has returned +12.56% over the same ten-day period ARKK has slipped.
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$
    Cathie Wood’s ARKK drops 4% and now closes negative in 8 of the last 10 sessions
    GoldenGold 评论了
    $阿里巴巴 (BABA.US)$