
GT1982 保密 ID: 103114818
Bought my first stock in 1996. Still learning today.
    从较低的 BB 处反弹不错。一直在等着看这个。
    $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$ 如果我对图表的解读是正确的,那么这个计数器的看涨上升趋势似乎已得到证实。
    3 名白兵 + 日线图中的看涨之锤 + 连续交易日高于 BB 上方...
    $美国超微公司(AMD.US)$ 如果将图表一直缩小到2020年,那么当前的股价实际上处于公认的S/R水平。
    抵消噪音,问问自己让86美元的 AMD 对你有吸引力吗?对我来说,完全可以。
    This is a great topic.
    I have to say there is a very important lady who has a big influence in how I manage my finances and investment.
    My mum.
    My family wasn't a well to do one when I was growing up. There was a four years period where our family of 5 had to bunk in a room at my grandma's place.
    At one point, my mum actually worked 3 jobs a day to take care of the family and despite having not attended school before, she is the most financial savv...
    $Greenidge Generation(GREE.US)$ Wow exciting times.. Plenty of investigations against GREE by law firms..
    但是,这并不是说我不会交易模因股票。我是当时设法从GME和AMC中获利的幸运者之一。实际上,AMC 对我来说是一个超过 2 个装袋机。
    In my early days I used to trade on news. However more often than not it ended badly.
    After several rounds of lesson fee to the market, I came to realise why.
    There are primarily two reasons.
    1) Because market is often forward looking. When the news came out, the negativity or positivity of it would have largely been priced in.
    2) Secondly and this is related to reason 1, is that the insiders or big boys would use the chance to take profit when the news is released to the public, h...
    Since the dawn of age, everything is a gamble. Every step we take, every move we make, is a gamble..
    When it comes to making money from financial instruments, gambling becomes 'investing' by utilising risk management to reduce our chance of losing money to the lowest.
    This risk management includes doing due diligence on the asset, position sizing, using TA for good entry, having an exit plan and regular review on the asset performance, etc.
    When done properly, this beco...
    The one trading related mindset that I want to improve, is not to let emotions rule my trading.
    This is crucial because I can get everything right from the trading setup to setting the stop loss / take profit.
    But if I can't act at the crucial moment due to emotions, it will prove to be the difference between a profitable or money losing trade.
    This is in fact the biggest element of my trading that I have wanted to improve in a long time and I aim to achieve that...
    First of all, I must commend moomoo for having done a good job so far.
    Give credit where it is due.
    However good can be better, better can be great.
    I have some suggestions / wishes for moomoo to consider for making its platform an even better one moving forward.
    1) Lower or zero fees.
    This is nothing new. Other platforms are already offering this. If Futu is keen to retain its hard fought market share, this is one obvious area where they can consider.
    2) Allow a short period for user to top up for Margin account.
    Currently although moomoo's official stance is that the users must top up their margin account within 48 hours upon margin call, this is not definite. I had at least on one occasion that my option contract got liquidation within 2 - 3 hours in the middle of the night.
    If moomoo can allow users a definite window of 48 hours, or at least 24 hours BEFORE force liquidating their positions, it would be great and highly appreciated.
    Above are my two cents worth.
    Last but not least here's wishing the moomoo team and all members here an advanced Merry Christmas!