Hafizsan 楼主 70718771 : 是的,随着经济衰退的临近,对崩溃的恐惧
Hafizsan 楼主 TeslaSmurf : Thanks for the advice. Yup my conviction in these 2 companies is too deep for me to let it go. Agree on a short term, its painful to see and yes, in the long term it will reach its all time high.
Hafizsan 楼主 BuyLowSellHighTrader : 让我们保持坚强,如果有子弹射入
Hafizsan 楼主 RickAndMortyStonks : I scrambling to gather funds to get this at its cheapest now. Over the long term we will prevail
Hafizsan 楼主 stonks 30000 : Thats great too. Averaging it down i hope
Hafizsan 楼主 70718771 : 是的,随着经济衰退的临近,对崩溃的恐惧
Hafizsan 楼主 TeslaSmurf : Thanks for the advice. Yup my conviction in these 2 companies is too deep for me to let it go. Agree on a short term, its painful to see and yes, in the long term it will reach its all time high.