
Jameson C 保密 ID: 102962099
    Jameson C 评论了
    Bet Game
    Place your Bet on AAPL's percentage change in closing after-hours price (e.g.+3%) of February 2 ET by 7:00 PM, February 2 ET. The mooer with the closest bet will win 300 points!
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    The 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th and so on mooers to comment will get 30 points.
    Apple's Q1 FY23 Earnings Conference Call is to be hosted on February 2 ET, after the U.S. markets close! The consensus estimate for re...
    Apple Q1 FY23 Earnings Preview — Betting the % change in closing after-hours price to win!
    Apple Q1 FY23 Earnings Preview — Betting the % change in closing after-hours price to win!
    Jameson C 评论了
    $恒生指数 (800000.HK)$ 11月份上涨了27%,是1998年以来的最大月度增长。该趋势延续到12月初,并在上周放宽一系列限制的政策刺激下进一步得到加强。
    PS: 过去几个月亏了好几千,慢慢学习嘛,未来可期!
    # 圣诞心愿,集齐所有的🐮🐮#
    Jameson C 留下了心情
    由于美联储宽松的货币政策,2020年基本上每只股票都上涨。2020年,无营业收入的公司的股票飙升到了天上,然后在2021年回落到地面上,正如Cathie Wood的ARKk基金表现神奇,然而却陷入了困境。
    示例: $FuboTV (FUBO.US)$ , $Opendoor Technologies (OPEN.US)$ , $维珍银河 (SPCE.US)$ , $燃料电池能源 (FCEL.US)$ , $优步 (UBER.US)$ , $Nikola (NKLA.US)$ , $Rivian Automotive (RIVN.US)$ $Lucid Group (LCID.US)$ 等等。我知道它们中的一些已经大幅下跌。我想知道它们是否有很高的可能性会进一步贬值。
    Jameson C 留下了心情
    $Moderna (MRNA.US)$ 生物-疫苗制造商Moderna表示,其COVID-19加强针在实验室测试中对快速传播的奥密克戎变种具有保护作用。Moderna还表示,奥密克戎疫苗的研发将继续,并预计将于2022年初进入临床试验阶段。宣布之后,Moderna的股价在美股盘前交易中上涨了超过6.5%。
    $富途控股 (FUTU.US)$ $向上融科 (TIGR.US)$ Let me win some coffee money for 2moro Apes meat dinner.
    Jameson C 留下了心情
    With current quest for clean energy and related EV demand , this may help fuel FUEL CELL share price 📈🤔
    Jameson C 留下了心情
    U.S. futures rise as traders mull Powell's pivot
    U.S. equity futures rose and Asian stocks looked set for a muted start Wednesday as traders weighed Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's comments that officials should consider a faster removal of stimulus.
    Australian shares slipped, while contracts for Japan and Hong Kong pointed to a cautious open. The $标普500指数 (.SPX.US)$ slumped almost 2% overnight and measures of equity volatility jumped on the prospect of tightening monetary policy. The gap between yields on 5-year and 30-year U.S. Treasuries shrunk to the least since March last year.
    Powell says Fed will discuss speeding up bond-buying taper at December meeting
    Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said he expects policymakers in December to discuss accelerating the timetable for the tapering of monthly bond purchases. Speaking before a Senate panel, he said tapering could wrap up "a few months sooner" than anticipated. That would open the door to interest rate hikes thereafter.
    Powell also said "it's probably a good time to retire" the word "transitory" to describe inflation.
    U.S. may tighten travel rules to fight Omicron, CDC head says
    The agency is looking measures such as narrowing the testing window for travelers into the country and adding quarantine requirements in certain cases, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said Tuesday on a call with reporters. It's also expanding surveillance programs at four major airports to test for Covid from specific international arrivals.
    VIX options trader reaps win in 19 hours as stocks resume swoon
    A sizable bet that equity market volatility would worsen appears to have turned a tidy profit in less than a day.
    About $13 million was spent last night on 65,000 December call contracts tied to the Cboe Volatility Index, with a strike price at 26. Similar volume erupted in the series this morning as the VIX jumped above 27, sending the options to as high as $3.55 after trading as low as $1.75 in the prior session.
    Apple was the only tech stock that went up on Tuesday
    $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ stock closed up 3.1% on Tuesday as stocks tumbled on concerns of the new omicron Covid variant, showing investors see the company as a safe haven during market uncertainty. Needham analyst Laura Martin said investors turned to Apple on Tuesday because the company has prodigious cash flow, allowing it to endure any slowdowns in the economy and take advantage of falling prices.
    Eco-friendly shoemaker Allbirds posts wider loss despite 33% gain in quarterly sales; shares fall
    $Allbirds (BIRD.US)$ reported third-quarter revenue growth 33% from last year, while its losses widened. Co-founder and CEO Joey Zwillinger said the company saw notable strength in its stores in the United States, and shoppers responded well to new product launches. Shares fell around 6% in extended trading on the report
    The company ended the quarter with 31 retail locations, including those outside the U.S.
    It's not the first time Elon Musk's worried about the demise of SpaceX — he once thought it would be worth '$0'
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk sent a letter to his employees the day after Thanksgiving, in which he said the rocket company could be at "genuine risk of bankruptcy," unless it can speed up production of the Raptor engines that power its Starship rockets.
    It's not SpaceX's first brush with serious financial risk: Musk has often spoken about how risky it was to launch the company in 2002, and how it nearly failed just a few years later. It's always possible that Musk is using the threat of bankruptcy as a motivational tactic for his employees. But the Raptor engines are essential to SpaceX's financial future — because the company will need its Starship rockets to launch its next genneratioon of Starlink satellites into orbit.
    Facebook's executive in charge of cryptocurrency is leaving the company
    David Marcus, the head of $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ parent company Meta's cryptocurrency efforts, announced on Tuesday he will be leaving the company at the end of the year. Marcus's departure comes after the company tried and failed to launch a cryptocurrency that could be used by online users to send money to anyone in the world via Facebook products.
    Source: Bloomberg, CNBC
    Wall Street Today | Apple was the only tech stock that went up on Tuesday
    $GlobalFoundries (GFS.US)$ 这个就是 不管你GF 盘后财报怎样 人家华尔街不想赌 因为你已经上涨50%了.这几年IPO 涨这么多的 已经很少了.