
Nillo 男 ID: 71308350
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    根据万事达卡SpendingPulse的初步数据,假日零售额 上涨8.5% Y/Y 在11月1日至12月24日期间,与疫情爆发前的2019年同期相比增长了10.7%。
    今年, $Meta Platforms(FB.US)$ 可能是圣诞节最大的赢家之一。 该应用程序 因为其Oculus头戴式耳机在苹果的App Store中排名第一。它是 虚拟现实头戴式耳机: Oculus quest 2 也是假日期间最受欢迎的科技礼物之一。
    这让 Meta 有更多机会向客户展示其元宇宙愿景的可能性。
    的股份 $Meta Platforms(FB.US)$ 交易量一样大 3.4% 星期一。
    Facebook母公司Meta上涨了3%,因为其Oculus头戴式耳机的应用程序在苹果的App Store中排名第一
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    赞美之后马上 $狗狗币(DOGE.CC)$ , 埃隆·马斯克 很快在推特上宣布特斯拉将在周二接受部分数字代币付款。
    狗狗币的暴涨幅度是 23% 在星期二。它的价格飙升了很多 40% 与美国东部时间周一下午5点的水平相比。
    作为加密货币中波动性最大的加密货币之一,它已经飙升了 15,500% 2021年在5月达到顶峰,但仍在结束 3,000% 今年。
    每日投票:与您的狗交换 EV。
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    2021 is an unusual year for the stock market. Despite the worry of inflation and pandemic, the US stock market is on its longest bull-run in history. Kicked off with the mania of WSB, the market keeps heading north and ends at nearly all-time highs.
    Event 1: WSB Beat Hedge Funds
    Date: Jan 2021
    At the beginning of this year, a group of millennials revolved around $游戏驿站(GME.US)$, a retail company that struggled with selling video games, to fight against hedge funds. After WallStreetBets pumped GameStop's stock price to unprecedented heights, some institutional investors who shorted the company's stocks almost bankrupted. Following the rule of "Go big or go home", WSB turned to other "meme stocks" such as $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ , whose stock price soared by 455% in Q2.
    Mooer's takeaways: What makes you profit or lose from the market?
    @GT1982 shared two lingos in particular:
    1) DYODD
    Do your own due diligence as always. To summarise this, it means never copy or act on an investment idea based on hearsay without studying the company first.
    2) FOMO.
    Fear of missing out. Many investors, new and veteran alike, are guilty of this. Very often this leads to a painful loss. In short, do not chase a stock just because many are doing it. Study the company fundamentals first which essentially is related to lingo No. 1.
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    Event 2: Global Chip Shortages
    Date: May 2021
    The global shortage of microchips has become a severe problem in 2021. The gap between insufficient supply and surging demand causes dilemmas for companies desperate for chips. Semiconductors are necessary for cars, PCs, smartphones, etc. Manufacturers of these products are facing an unprecedented situation. However, a crisis for one could be an opportunity for another. Since the market crashed in March 2020, the $PHLX Semiconductor Index(.SOX.US)$ has more than doubled.
    Mooer's takeaways: What is the "DNA" of technology
    @HuatLady said:
    In this millennium, our reliance on the use of semiconductor for technological advances is undisputed worldwide. Automobiles, smartphones, home appliances and wireless networks depend heavily on the use of semiconductors. This is what "makes the world goes round", and is the "DNA" of technology.
    The key challenges are:
    1) The inability to meet the market's demands. Since 2019, there is an acute shortage of chips' supply globally. These high demands for chips may stretch into 2023. This will incur a 27% loss if there is a 3 months' delay in manufacturing.
    2) Hence the cost of manufacturing may not meet planned budget. After weighing through both the positive and negative aspects of semiconductor investment, I opt to follow my heart and favours the trading of quality semiconductor shares as a long term investment.
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    Event 3: S&P 500 Doubled amid a Pandemic Dip
    Date: Aug2021
    In August 2021, the $标普500指数(.SPX.US)$ rallied 100% from the pandemic dip since March 2020, becoming another milestone for the US stock market.
    Mooer's takeaways: How to invest at a market high?
    @Dadacai said:
    There is a possibility of market correction and funds being stuck when investing during market highs so my approaches are as follows:
    1) Choose stocks I have confidence in and don't mind holding for the long term.
    2) Split the purchases into 3 or more lots at different timings to average out the cost.
    3) For intraday trading, choose stocks which have a high volume of trading and set a stop loss.
    4) Don't invest what I cannot afford to lose.
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    Event 4: Metaverse, the Next Generation of the Internet
    Date: Oct 2021
    Metaverse is regarded as the next generation of the Internet by some institutions. It's a can't-miss concept in 2021 that may lead to an investing buzz in the next decade. To attract market attention, tech giants have laid out their versions of the metaverse. On October 28, Facebook $Meta Platforms(FB.US)$ officially changed its corporate name to Meta as part of a major rebrand, shaking off the social media by launching new strategies to go "all in" to the metaverse.
    Mooer's takeaways: Are Metaverse and playing games with VR the same?
    @NANA123 said:
    The reason why people distinguish the virtual world from the real world is because the virtual world generated by the platform-style Internet at this stage cannot carry people's asset rights and social identity. The identity achievements and assets acquired by people in the virtual world are in the hands of platform operators. If the operator chooses to close the platform or close the account forcefully, everything you've gained on the platform goes up in smoke. However, the rapid development of blockchain technology in recent years has derived a decentralized Internet form, which effectively guarantees the transparency and certainty of the virtual world rules generated under this form.
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    Event 5: EV Mania
    Date: Nov2021
    On October 21, $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ released the 2021 Q3 earnings that beat the market's expectations. Its stock price increased by 22% in a week. When Tesla's stock price hit a record high of 1243.49 dollars, the shareholders started to buckle up. Meanwhile, other EV stocks were also growing fast. Rivian, a rival of Tesla, saw its price soared by 120% five trading days after it got listed. Lucid also yielded good results.
    Mooer's takeaways: How much risk are you comfortable with?
    @HopeAlways said:
    The stock market appears to be giving incredibly high valuations to EV stocks, whether the companies have proven themselves effective manufacturers or not. As with the EV stocks, there will be winners and losers, and these investments seem to belong to the more speculative portion of a stock portfolio. Understanding individual risk tolerance level is an important step in determining which EV stock is suitable for investors.
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    Which event do you like the most? Does any of the events above ring the bell?
    Feel free to leave your comments below!
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    2021 in Review: Events of the Year (WSB, Chip Shortage, EV Mania)
    2021 in Review: Events of the Year (WSB, Chip Shortage, EV Mania)
    2021 in Review: Events of the Year (WSB, Chip Shortage, EV Mania)
    Nillo 赞了
    $比特币(BTC.CC)$是新曲目, $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$不会像以前那样影响股价。
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    价值要么 成长股?长期以来,许多投资者一直在争论这个难题。
    熟悉的名字,例如 $Palantir(PLTR.US)$, $CrowdStrike(CRWD.US)$, $Snowflake(SNOW.US)$ $赛富时(CRM.US)$ 等等
    在谈论颠覆性创新时,投资者想到的名字必须是”方舟“。对于凯西·伍德的旗舰基金来说,这是惨淡的一周, $ARK Innovation ETF(ARKK.US)$ ,这使她几乎所有的持股都留在了熊市中。
    ARKK 下跌了12.6% 本周是自2月以来最糟糕的一周。它 下降了5.5% 在星期五。
    这是否表明人们不赞成成长型股票和颠覆性创新公司?或者也许只是因为投资者需要一些东西 在风险下从根本上更坚固 Omicron? 你能在下方评论一下然后把你的想法告诉穆尔吗?