
Rowboyz 保密 ID: 70962590
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ One of my favorite things to do is to see the red, smile and get ready for bed. Following all the DD i've read and studying how Volkswagen squeezed afew years back, it gives me a small comfort to sleep on it. Its a win win situation for me.
    Either it moons and i wake up to a new mansion on mars, or it stays red and the squeeze continues to add more tension for when it bursts and moons even more.
    In the meantime, ill eat my crayons, hold and do what little i can ever week. We are in this together!...
    不是因为股票或处于亏损状态... 而是因为必须看到公然的操纵和总体阴谋才能压低股票。我看过 DD 的次数和我从赞成和反对来源看到的一样多,有一件事对我来说非常清楚,那就是有一些大规模的混蛋正在发生。
    我不是世界上最聪明的人,我也不是自称是最聪明的人,但是看着 GME 起飞并在 AMC 上成为 FOMO,当时是 9 美元,这显示了众所周知的经济阶梯顶端发生的 BS 金额让我感到害怕,因为我甚至没有受过大学教育,也能清楚地看见这些东西... 但是负责人看不见?或者更确切地说... 拒绝看?我不知道伙计... 我在想火把和干草叉哈哈...
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 我在9点买进了20只股票。从那以后我的平均水平一直上升到现在的水平(平均17只股票,120只股票)。我的利润率已经上升到足以让我还清车钱,帮助我的妻子摆脱债务,这样我们就可以继续生活。那已经很好了,可以改变我的生活。但是我不会那样做。我坐在旁边看着 GME 做自己的事情,因为害怕我会损失我能花的少量钱在额外的事情上而陷入瘫痪。我很遗憾在我进行真正的投资之前只做了两只股票和纸质股票。我不会后悔的 AMC。我至少要等到 10 万才会卖出。如果它仍然呈上升趋势,那就是 HODL!我不会放弃飞船的。我不会自私,也不会掩盖自己的屁股。我会尽我所能从套期保值中拿走我的股票!我和猿人站在一起!守住防线!什么都不给他们,只能从他们手中夺走一切!
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ Not the richest man and only have 120 stocks here, but i bought in at 8 and have been averaging up. Come tuesday, putting down 600 more bucks. Probably gonna be about 20-30 stocks only, but every bit helps. Apes together strong!
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ I initially bought in around 8.50 and have "average up" since. Im in it for thenlong hall, currently at 120 stock, with my latest bundle of stocks coming in at 16 making my average stock price around 13. Given that im holding and putting more in over time (idk if its faith in the squeeze or just being a stubborn ape lol), averaging up is generally a good thing correct?
    Additionally, im in a position where im not setting a sell limit and am in no real money problems so i feel like continuing to average up is okay (if i understand it correctly)...
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ I was late to the GME party and wasnt confident enough to stick it through. Im proud to say i put 40 more stocks down and am looking to sit on this for as long as need be! HODL, dip, buy and HODL!
    Can i be an ape now? :)