
TLC88 男 ID: 101861982
    TLC88 参与了投票
    mooers 在帖子和评论中提供的见解给我们留下了深刻的印象。在这里,我们从社区中选择了一些高质量的股票。 享受你的零食!
    *下面列出的每个 mooers 都将获得 500 点积分,以表彰他们对社区的贡献。
    @ZnWC: 主流媒体只会关注...
    收益小吃:特斯拉飙升,而 Meta 暴跌
    收益小吃:特斯拉飙升,而 Meta 暴跌
    收益小吃:特斯拉飙升,而 Meta 暴跌
    TLC88 赞了
    在假期里,投资者有很多值得感受的地方。在经济反弹的支持下,甚至比大多数人预期的还要强劲, $标普500指数(.SPX.US)$ 爬了 2...
    今日华尔街 | 随着美联储加息的临近,股市在2022年面临更艰难的走势
    TLC88 赞了
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ 加拿大皇家银行预计,特斯拉(TSLA.O)第四季度的交付量将同比增长58%,达到28.5万辆汽车,高于Visible Alpha共识的约265,700辆汽车。该银行此前曾预计交付26.25万辆汽车。加拿大皇家银行预测,特斯拉将在第四季度按车型交付27.3万辆Model 3/Y和12,500辆Model S/X;按地区划分,美国市场将交付1.075亿辆汽车,中国市场的交付量约为10万辆,欧洲市场的交付量为5.9万辆。此外,该银行预测,特斯拉将在2022年保持约50%的中期高增长率。该银行表示,上述预期更多地基于特斯拉的产能扩张和供应率,而不是需求。
    TLC88 赞了
    $英伟达(NVDA.US)$ $美国超微公司(AMD.US)$ $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $SoFi Technologies(SOFI.US)$ $IonQ Inc(IONQ.US)$
    我希望,随着其在线服务和元宇宙的发展,NVDA明年能继续增长。AMD 最近与特斯拉和 Meta 的合作也很明显。这两家公司都度过了美好的一年,我相信至少在未来几年内将继续增长。
    我认为,SoFi和IONQ也是2022年的两只不错的选择,尤其是在不列颠哥伦比亚省获得SoFi批准之际。IONQ 有坚实的基础,短期内没有放缓的迹象。
    我也在使用Paypal的 DCae,因为我相信它今年刚刚受到重创。2022年,贝宝旗下的venmo即将登陆亚马逊,这是个令人振奋的消息!
    TLC88 赞了
    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board Moo Rocket!🚀We are about to have a marvelous moo journey today! Are you wondering why you got the ticket?
    It is because you’ve made a significant contribution to our moo community, which is full of inspirations, delights, vitality, and ingenious ideas. We’ve emerged from this year’s adventure to become stronger, wiser, and better at investing or in our daily life. You are the one who empowers fellow mooers to learn and constantly improve themselves. That's why we have this trip!
    At this point, nothing is stopping us from launching. Please be seated and fasten your seat belts. Enjoy your flight!
    As a good start, we’ve got something fun for you! Do you know how to fight inflation?
    @Up Lorry Togetherhas something special. "To fight inflation, eat simple meal like 1 bread for 3 days, or when walk pass coffeeshop those leftovers on table can eat too. Don't use aircon, strip naked more cooling. Toilet paper use 2 pieces swiftly wipe away is enough, after few days when toilet bowl full then flush." Hope this can make your day!
    *1 hour later*
    Attention, please. This is your captain speaking. We are about to arrive at the destination in 10 minutes. First, let me introduce our schedule. We will land at five stations: Trade, Talents, Merchandise, Scenery, and Pets. Each of them is filled with special moo-ments. We also provide food for you during the flight. I hope you can learn, have fun, and get inspired.
    *Landing Noise*
    Okay, guys! Welcome to the first station – Trade.
    I bet some of you are investing novices. Then this is the station where you should pay more attention. There is a good chance for you to pick up some valuable investment tips from senior mooers. First of all, let’s take a look at some questions.
    1.How did you start your trading journey?
    @HuatLadystarted to invest at the age of twenty one. She has learned a lot from her mom. "The important learning lesson, is that I should not commit a similiar mistake again. This technique of making important decisions during trading has not only helped me at work, but has guided me in a successful marriage too.My beloved mum has passed on, but her Legacy remains. THANKS MUM,  for the Great Gift of a Lifetime and I am humbly inspired🥰." Story continues>>
    2.Have you ever felt the same about "I always hear people talk about stocks but it seems far away from me until I found Futu/moomoo app?"
    Like @JP GOsaid, "I always want to get my foot in investment but I don't know how to started. Thankful for MooMoo app to make everything here, easy and convenient..." Read more...
    3.Have you ever adopted corrections to increase your positions?
    Well, @LalalanaRIsaid yes! Here is the one he used. What do you think of it?
    4.Do you know how to set stop-loss in moomoo?
    If you have no idea, don't worry. @战神鑫爷got something for you. He reminded us that "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." That's a good attitude to have.
    5.Why is option movement the best strategy to speculate on options?
    @Jamesimexplained this within our Moo community in July. Take a deep dive into it if you are interested.
    6.Does trading feel like riding a roller coaster to you?
    @ultra976said yes. Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Honestly, I have. If you have the same feelings, click “like” or comment to let me know!
    Now we are heading to the next station!
    *10 minutes later*
    Attention please, we're arriving in Talents now!
    This station is all about creativity and inspiration. You will find some talented mooers here.
    "来评论听歌?" @70166250found the 'hidden feature' on April Fools' Day.
    "Bingo!" @ATAC posted this to share her happiness with mooers after answering the questions all correctly.
    "Huat ah Moomoo." @富朋贵友said on February 23 after setting a moomoo-themed picture as his wallpaper. Cool!
    "Guys, happy Halloween and happy birthday to FUTU. Please take us to the moon." @kindajoshua sent his blessings to us with a hand-made moomoo pumpkin. @cshenm, @gramble, and @eli-wcommented "So cute" unanimously! Count me in!
    "She said she saw an Indian ghost was trying to play with us and seems like it wanted to join us." This is the story shared by @甜心0121about 'Third Eye' on the Halloween holiday. Feel free to read more if you are brave enough!
    "I hope you like it. @moomoo Event." We received a special “gift” from @Stoc-King. We were impressed by his "Moo Moo Features" video, which was made on his own. The video introduced 'Limit if touched Feature' so vividly and logically. You can’t miss it!
    Only if you watch the video can we move on to the next station. Click here to complete the mission now! Don't forget to give a thumb up if you like it.
    *10 minutes later*
    Here we are at the Merchandise station!
    We believe that everyone is familiar with these cute little things. How many have you collected? I bet some of you have them all. Look! @JanetShas five, making a perfect match between tickers and moomoo merchandise!
    Does any memory flow into you when seeing the adorable merchandise? Let me share some with you.
    On July 13, @AxTheProhad a happy Tuesday. He posted, "Today is a Moomoo Day for $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ !  My top holding Tesla has grown by 4%." A big thumb up to you! He also shared a creative photo of a moomoo pillow covering his face!
    One month later, enthusiastic @Mars Moootold us that "MooMoo Baseball Hat is ready for collection!". Such a big piece of news in our community! The same day, @Jamesimshared moomoo cute stickers and got 46 likes! Congrats!
    Some mooers even help the moomoo little things find new friends here! @Soulforgerlet Doraemon meet moomoo figurines, @Moon Light Shadowhelped moomoo pillow find Loin X, and @dkkkkmade a perfect match between his rocket and cow.
    Oops, promise me don't forget to take out the moomoo pillow from the washing machine.
    *Time for lunch!*
    Since we’ve visited three stations, some of you must be hungry now. Please help yourself.
    Would you like something to drink first? @老Uncleoffered three kinds of wines. Are they fruit wines? I’d like some! But not for mooers under 18!
    For starters, how about having some juicy spaghetti?
    Wait! Guess what our entree is! hahh~ Thanks, @divinepapa, for serving the seafood combo: scallop, shrimp, squid, crab, and lobster. OMG, I can't wait to eat!
    If everyone has finished, let's have some desserts! Look at this lovely blue cake brought by @welly kris nugroho! Hoping all of you enjoy your lunch! Cheers~
    *20 minutes later*
    After lunch, we are now heading to Scenery!
    It has been almost two years since the first outbreak of COVID-19, which has had a substantial impact on our day-to-day life. We can't enjoy things to the fullest, especially traveling. But don't worry, let take a look at the beautiful scenery pictures and travel stories shared by our fellow mooers.
    @70665760shared a cute piggy pillow on February 2 and said “Good morning” to dear mooers. @FelixZppposted a sunrise picture and said, "US market will rebound, and everything will get through. We will be better with hope! ” That's inspiring!
    On July 3, @kiren123shared a picture of the Red Square and Winter Palace in Russian holiday, “I learned to appreciate the culture and the history behind Russia’s past.”
    On the same day, @Gan dar White Wizardshared his travel story, “Hey! Everyone! Vacation is an expensive event. However, I stepped into a travel agency and did something adventurous. I took the AmTrack Train to, Chicago, IL. Around the 4th of July, Chicago has a Taste of Chicago Festival ......” That’s how you do a vacation!
    Before heading to the next station, let's take a photo in this beautiful place.
    Okay, 3, 2, 1, smile~ Great!
    *10 minutes later*
    Now we are at the last station: Pets!
    OMG! They are soooo cute! Our investing journey can’t be alone with them!
    I remember that on June 11, Popular on moomoo held a kitties week party, where many mooers shared their kitties. Feel free to take a closer look at how they behave.
    @KLaueshared his 'Crypto cat,' who might understand the crypto market better than us!
    @Knulp's cat has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen!
    @eli-w's kitty loves lying in the box. Looks very cozy!
    Did you notice that @Charles's cat created a bubble on its nose? So lovely.
    @Wing4141 said, "I celebrated my Halloween with my puppy this year, and made decoration with him. This is really a moment when I can escape from the 'red market'." I hope these adorable pets can soothe your heart too! And don't hesitate to share your pets in the comment section!
    Oops! It seems like that we've explored all the stations. Now it's time to go home. We are eager to share more with you, but time doesn't allow us to do that. Please look forward to our future trips together!
    *Comment time*
    How about the trip with so many special moo-ments? Now it's time to share yours. We still have one hour before landing. So take your time!
    *One hour later*
    Ladies and gentlemen, we are landing now. Before you get off the Moo Rocket🚀, we wanna say that your supports are essential to the growth of moomoo.
    We have all seen your affirmation for moomoo, which means a lot to us. Our sincere thanks go to all mooers who have made continuous contributions to the Moo community, where mooers can get inspired and learn from each other.
    In the end, we wanna say thank you again for making 2021 a special year! See you next year!!!
    Final boarding call for Moo Rocket!
    Final boarding call for Moo Rocket!
    Final boarding call for Moo Rocket!
    TLC88 赞了
    The year-end "Santa Claus rally" was pushing stock markets higher. But the Omicron variant has other plans.
    Market cycles can change quickly, and investors should consider stocks that can weather all storms.
    We'll look at three stocks with great investment characteristics and Quant Grades. These stocks should benefit in either a Christmas Rally or market correction.
    The stocks featured here,  $苹果(AAPL.US)$   $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ , may help you understand why it's crucial to consider the Quant Rating System when markets rotate from irrational exuberance to alarming confusion.v
    TLC88 赞了
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$  $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$购买阿里巴巴的绝佳机会!中国企业的反弹应该在明年初之前发生,这是最大的恐惧。同时,我觉得由于估值过高,特斯拉泡沫开始破裂。只要我加少许盐吃我的 2 美分。
    TLC88 赞了
    $纳斯达克100指数(.NDX.US)$ $标普500指数(.SPX.US)$ $道琼斯指数(.DJI.US)$ 对下周市场有何期待?圣诞老人集会来了吗?还是推迟了?市场信号好坏参半!有些有看跌信号,而另一些则有看涨信号!观看我的视频了解详情!
    $纳指100ETF-Invesco QQQ Trust(QQQ.US)$ $SPDR 标普500指数ETF(SPY.US)$ $SPDR道琼斯指数ETF(DIA.US)$ $Meta Platforms(FB.US)$ $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $苹果(AAPL.US)$ $美国超微公司(AMD.US)$ $英伟达(NVDA.US)$ $Palantir(PLTR.US)$ $富途控股(FUTU.US)$ $KraneShares中国海外互联网ETF(KWEB.US)$ $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$ $蔚来(NIO.US)$ $Sea(SE.US)$ $标普500指数主连(2409)(ESmain.US)$ $纳斯达克100指数主连(2409)(NQmain.US)$ $道琼斯指数主连(2409)(YMmain.US)$
    TLC88 赞了
    2021 年,moomoo 成为投资者可以分享意见和自由交流的地方。 热情的 mooers 之间的频繁互动对社区产生了积极影响。 Mooers正在朝着同一个方向前进:赚取利润和自我改善。我们亲爱的mooers需要很长的时间和巨大的精力才能实现这些目标。为什么我们不来看看本年度十个宝贵的市场见解和投资技巧?
    查看更多: 唐纳德能发出他的王牌吗?
    二:你如何看待 meme 股票?
    查看更多: 我们什么时候能下车去 CRAZYTOWN?
    查看更多: 不可忽视的讨价还价——上周这个落后者突破了历史新高
    11 月 5 日,辉瑞推出了一种新的 COVID-19 抗病毒药丸,预计将治疗 89% 的急性住院患者,从而降低死亡风险。 @HuatEver预计,一旦美国食品药品管理局批准新的抗病毒药丸,辉瑞的股价将继续攀升。你怎么看?
    "他们承诺降低出现严重的Covid-19疾病、住院甚至死亡的风险,以及如果在感染初期服用。 "
    查看更多: Covid 19 抗病毒药丸的突破
    "人类总是不耐烦,如果我们坐下来等到星期五,害怕它停止下跌并重新开始上升,我们将永远有FOMO。但是,购买全部 tomo 可能无法让您以最优惠的价格购买。" 在这里查看更多。
    查看更多: 买入和卖出股票
    查看更多: 停止痛苦,把幸福带走
    八:是什么促使你按下 “交易” 按钮?
    查看更多: 按下交易按钮的最佳时机
    @Mars Mooo认为 Squid Game Multi-Portfolition 由四个部分组成:玩家 456、玩家 218、玩家 067 和液体组合。
    查看更多: Squid Game 多组合作品集
    @Mcsnacks H Tupack分享说,卖空在华尔街非常受欢迎,通常由激进的对冲基金进行。
    查看更多: 卖空获利的唯一方法是作弊
    请在下方留下你的评论以及给你留下最深刻印象的 @ the mooer,并解释它们为何具有吸引力。 第1、10、20、30、40...(10 的倍数)mooers 每人将获得 88 点积分奖励!
    时长:即日——2021 年 12 月 28 日新加坡标准时间晚上 11:59
    moomoo 年度盛典正在举行!在这里查看:  2021 年回顾:一起成长到月球!