william browning
The Stock Scalpers project
We at Stock Scalpers believe it is immoral to deny opportunity to anyone. This means our articles, alerts and information is all free.
The Stock Scalpers Project is an attempt to actually democratize capitalism. We're giving access and assistance to anyone who joins. It's that simple.
The Stock Scalpers Project is an idea and a work in progress. We aim to deliver quality content without a price tag. The more traders we have involved the more ideas we have.
You only win in this arena if you're prepared. Stock Scalpers will ensure you're always prepared.
Our alerts are free because we actually care about traders. Our content is free because its the creating that keeps us going.
We at Stock Scalpers are committed to excellence. Doing this well is the reward. Some places will charge $10, $100 or even $1000 a month for alerts.
Save your money.
We operate strictly via donation. YOU DON'T NEED TO PAY FOR THIS SERVICE.
Hustle and Motivate,
We at Stock Scalpers believe it is immoral to deny opportunity to anyone. This means our articles, alerts and information is all free.
The Stock Scalpers Project is an attempt to actually democratize capitalism. We're giving access and assistance to anyone who joins. It's that simple.
The Stock Scalpers Project is an idea and a work in progress. We aim to deliver quality content without a price tag. The more traders we have involved the more ideas we have.
You only win in this arena if you're prepared. Stock Scalpers will ensure you're always prepared.
Our alerts are free because we actually care about traders. Our content is free because its the creating that keeps us going.
We at Stock Scalpers are committed to excellence. Doing this well is the reward. Some places will charge $10, $100 or even $1000 a month for alerts.
Save your money.
We operate strictly via donation. YOU DON'T NEED TO PAY FOR THIS SERVICE.
Hustle and Motivate,
我一直在研究加密货币,但仍然不信任这一困境。举个例子,我刚刚想到比特币未来的一个重大问题🤔想象一下某样东西变得如此有价值,以至于变得毫无价值!不是开玩笑,让我来讲一下我预见到的,他们现在预测比特币将来价值会达到60万,这很酷,但对于这种加密货币来说却是一个杀手。基本上比特币将会自杀,下面是原因,第一步(已经完成)比特币变得如此有价值,你现在需要使用被称为Satoshi的更小单位,第二步(大约一年后发生)比特币价值增长如此之大,以至于Satoshi变得如此有价值,以至于花费它变得毫无意义, 🤷 然后撞上了一堵墙,然后所有人都倒下了...