以下是美国通常在年底节假日季节获益最多的前十家公司,以及它们获得优势的原因: 1.$亚马逊 (AMZN.US)$亚马逊 • 为什么: Amazon dominates online retail, offering deals during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the holiday season. Its Prime membership, logistics network, and diverse product catalog make it a go-to destination for holiday shopping. 2.$沃尔玛 (WMT.US)$Walmart • 为什么沃尔玛在物流上蓬勃发展,因此在这个年末节日季节获得了更多的销售额。
Good morning, traders. Happy Tuesday, November 26th. The Dow closed at a high yesterday, and the S&P 500 hit a trading record. 在今天,要想在市场中脱颖而出,您将无法缺少新闻和动物精神。我的名字是Kevin Travers,以下是实时资讯: $安进 (AMGN.US)$投资者在周二公司发布新闻通稿后,紧缩了腰带,削减了股价11%,该公司表示他们的MariTide第2阶段研究显示...
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