要点: ⭐ 预计特朗普就职后,减税将成为重要议题,金融和制造业板块预计将是主要受益者。 ⭐ Goldman Sachs projects that the S&P 500 could experience earnings growth of over 20% in the next two years. ⭐ Societe Generale indicates that lowering the corporate tax rate would significantly benefit small-cap stocks. One of the landmark achievements during Trump's first...
Buy n Die Together❤ :
NoviceGuru : 股票价格是下降还是上升啊。抱歉,我是新手。
iSpyderTrader NoviceGuru : 这些公司可能会受益于减税。具体效果可能因公司进展而异。
iSpyderTrader : 谢谢。
NoviceGuru iSpyderTrader : 谢谢,伙计!