In a recent disclosure, US Representative Nancy Pelosi reported buying call options for$博通 (AVGO.US)$. These options, which are Long-term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS), have a strike price of $800 and are set to expire in June 2025. Nancy Pelosi's investment strategy has paid off before—she previously bought LEAPS call options for$英伟达 (NVDA.US)$and$Palo Alto Networks (PANW.US)$, reaping s...
White_Shadow : 这不是火箭科学,$Broadcom (AVGO.US) $
最近破坏了对收益的分析预期,并宣布为10-4-1拆分,跟随牛笔人工智能科技领域的领导者,这不费吹灰之力 $博通 (AVGO.US)$ 将继续团结起来,支持持续的力量和人工智能竞赛的领导者之一...
BelleWeather : 总的来说,LEAPS是最受欢迎的工具,尤其是在高价股票上。这些都是iTM,几乎是股票的代名词。
SPACELIGHT : 我不是佩洛西的追星族。
samuelcferguson : om
B3autyr0x : 我想是的