The market fell Monday to start a market-making week among many weeks that have made markets so exciting this year. Tomorrow, polls will close in the U.S. presidential and federal elections, setting off a chain of events that will end in a decision between Trump and Harris. Thursday, the FOMC will announce any policy changes they have in mind, while investors will keep in mind their dot plot projections for two more rat...
Squishys98 : 最近两周一直在关注几家天然气公司。总觉得每年这个时候买它们有时候是赚钱有时候是亏钱。其中有几家看起来可能更适合在明年1月买入,因为通常在11月和12月会出现正常的下滑。但今年它们的趋势是上升,这看起来有些不寻常。可能是它们展开的竞选活动承诺进行更多水力压裂并削减绿色倡议,引发了这种变化?
iamiam 楼主 Squishys98 : 我认为能源会再次下跌,我不相信关于钾盐的事情,再次下跌始终存在,但在一个良好的运行之前不会发生。虽然我总是对突然下跌感到满意
Ronald Price : 虽然我晚一点发帖,但还是参与了一些比赛。谢谢,你是个真实的人,毫无疑问!