这个篮子不包括Lowe的,主要针对住房建筑,而住房建筑与利率期货之间有100%的相关性,目前如果你关注10年期国债,就是你的30年按揭利率所关联的。所以当我们看到10年期逆转时,这个篮子将会上涨,目前大约在470左右,我没有在过去几个小时内查看,如果10年期再次回落到4.20,这只可交易ETF将会像一艘降落的火箭船一样起飞。 在这个投资组合中的房地产商是世界上最好的,他们拥有最优秀的管理团队,他们在过去30到40年中多次应对房地产周期,因此这些不是初创公司,而是最顶尖的公司。但他们承受压力,因为人们不愿放弃他们3%的30年按揭来搬家,当他们的新按揭利率将会达到7%或更高。 这就是为什么你需要看到10年期利率下降,并且最好进入3%的水平。 the home builders that are in this portfolio are the best in the world they have the greatest management they have managed through real estate cycles many a times in the past 30 40 years so these are not startup companies these are the best of the best but they are under pressure because people will not give up their 3% 30 year mortgage to move to another house when their new mortgage is going to be 7% or higher that's why you need to see that 10-year interest rate drop and ideally enter the threes
TWIMO (151403908)
我在11月听说并阅读了这个消息不妙,想要买入看跌期权。然而,我不知道如何执行,也不清楚股价能跌到多低。我想象中是10-15%的跌幅,但不确定是否溢价合适,以及是买30天还是60天的期权…。 我想提升自己,因为我认为在2025年会出现这样的机会…。 I would like to get better at this as I reckon there will be such opportunities in 2025…
10baggerbamm : 这个篮子不包括Lowe的,主要针对住房建筑,而住房建筑与利率期货之间有100%的相关性,目前如果你关注10年期国债,就是你的30年按揭利率所关联的。所以当我们看到10年期逆转时,这个篮子将会上涨,目前大约在470左右,我没有在过去几个小时内查看,如果10年期再次回落到4.20,这只可交易ETF将会像一艘降落的火箭船一样起飞。
the home builders that are in this portfolio are the best in the world they have the greatest management they have managed through real estate cycles many a times in the past 30 40 years so these are not startup companies these are the best of the best but they are under pressure because people will not give up their 3% 30 year mortgage to move to another house when their new mortgage is going to be 7% or higher
that's why you need to see that 10-year interest rate drop and ideally enter the threes
TWIMO (151403908) : 我在11月听说并阅读了这个消息不妙,想要买入看跌期权。然而,我不知道如何执行,也不清楚股价能跌到多低。我想象中是10-15%的跌幅,但不确定是否溢价合适,以及是买30天还是60天的期权…。
I would like to get better at this as I reckon there will be such opportunities in 2025…