modest Narwhal_1005
您提到的这只可交易ETF更像是一个全面的篮子,它不仅包括大型黄金采矿公司,还包括他们所谓的初级采矿公司。 俗话说得好,涨潮抬升所有船,所以您放心买入这只ETF。 如果黄金价格回升至27 28xx,这只ETF将会有很好的涨幅。 我会指出我不会买这个篮子里的这只ETF。 原因很简单,我只购买有期权的ETF。我喜欢有可能通过卖出认购期权并收取溢价来增加头寸,也喜欢可以对我的开多头寸进行卖出备兑看涨期权以产生收入的能力。 当您购买没有期权的ETF时,您的总回报仅限于篮子净资产值的增加,因此对于这种特定的ETF来说,黄金必须上涨才能使您的投资有正回报。 对于NUGT,如果黄金保持横盘,我可以卖出认购期权和赚钱,也可以卖出看跌期权赚钱,而我的总回报在大约3个月内将约为20%。 如果黄金与这只可交易ETF SHNY无关,您的回报基本上将为零。 这就是为什么我需要有卖出看跌期权和卖出看涨期权的能力,也为什么我不会买入没有期权的ETF as they say a rising tide lifts All ships so yes you could feel comfortable buying this ETF. if gold rises back to 27 28xx, this ETF will go up nicely. I will point this out I will not buy this basket this ETF. and the reasons very simple I only buy ETFs that have options.. I like to have the ability to add to a position potentially by selling puts and collecting the premium and I like the ability to sell covered calls against my long position to generate income as well. when you buy an ETF that does not have options it limits your total return to only having the basket increase in net asset value so with this particular ETF gold must rise in order for you to have a positive return on your investment. with nugt if gold just stays sideways I can sell puts and make money I can sell calls and make money and my total return over the course of say 3 months is going to be about 20%. if gold does nothing with this etf shny your returns going to be basically zero. that's why I need to have the ability to sell puts and sell calls and why I will not buy an ETF that does not have options
modest Narwhal_1005 : 你也想咬shny吗?
10baggerbamm 楼主 modest Narwhal_1005 : 您提到的这只可交易ETF更像是一个全面的篮子,它不仅包括大型黄金采矿公司,还包括他们所谓的初级采矿公司。
如果黄金价格回升至27 28xx,这只ETF将会有很好的涨幅。
如果黄金与这只可交易ETF SHNY无关,您的回报基本上将为零。
as they say a rising tide lifts All ships so yes you could feel comfortable buying this ETF.
if gold rises back to 27 28xx, this ETF will go up nicely.
I will point this out I will not buy this basket this ETF.
and the reasons very simple I only buy ETFs that have options.. I like to have the ability to add to a position potentially by selling puts and collecting the premium and I like the ability to sell covered calls against my long position to generate income as well.
when you buy an ETF that does not have options it limits your total return to only having the basket increase in net asset value so with this particular ETF gold must rise in order for you to have a positive return on your investment.
with nugt if gold just stays sideways I can sell puts and make money I can sell calls and make money and my total return over the course of say 3 months is going to be about 20%.
if gold does nothing with this etf shny your returns going to be basically zero.
that's why I need to have the ability to sell puts and sell calls and why I will not buy an ETF that does not have options
Kim10 : 您用哪家经纪人进行保证金交易?
10baggerbamm 楼主 Kim10 : 我不使用保证金,但我会利用带杠杆的ETF和期权进行杠杆操作,不会借贷股本用于获得杠杆。
Kim10 10baggerbamm 楼主 : 你根本不卖裸头期权吗?