What’s going on? Firstly Global investors are adjusting portfolios for higher interest rates and a potential Trump victory in two weeks. – Beneath the surface the risk indicators are suggesting things could turn ugly. US government bond yields moved up to 4.2%, a 3-month high, while the US dollar index marched up, and oil prices extended their run, gaining 4% in two days. And the technic...
星期一- st...
– Beneath the surface the risk indicators are suggesting things could turn ugly. US government bond yields moved up to 4.2%, a 3-month high, while the US dollar index marched up, and oil prices extended their run, gaining 4% in two days. And the technic...
因此,您可能会自问是否为时已晚进行投资。 答案是否定的。平均牛市...
市场巨头谷歌母公司Alphabet (纳斯达克代码:GOOGL) 在美国司法部表示可能会要求法官强迫谷歌剥离部分业务后,实现了回升,收盘下跌1.5%。这些业务包括Chrome网页浏览器和安卓操作系统,以削弱其搜索垄断地位。
对邮轮股票的市场情绪受到多种因素的影响,包括 邮轮运营商对未来一年的展望乐观 和 经济因子可能会鼓励进一步的利率