The Fed fired another bazooka blast this morning. Whether or not moves such as buying junk bonds, bolstering the PPP, launching a Main Street lending program, and directly lending to municipalities will do anything to boost a locked-down economy is up for debate. These actions combined with previous moves, however, would seemingly take the idea of a credit collapse off the table. Creditors of all sorts - banks (
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Trader-101 楼主 : 留意其中几个周末做研究我将在这个星期一早上做一些选择来开盘
De AndaAngel Trader-101 楼主 : 请分享你将要购买的期权谢谢
Trader-101 楼主 De AndaAngel : 我将在周一之前再进行一点研究,因为它们都是不错的选择,原因各不相同,我必须找到适合我们进行周一交易的商品。我的意思是,从长远来看,它们都是不错的选择,我们需要找到短期内哪一个对我们来说最有上升空间
De AndaAngel Trader-101 楼主 : 我会看的伙计再次谢谢你的见解
KenjiLamar : 非常感谢你的工作!我想涉足期权,但它们吓到我了。我不介意冒险买一只低期权股票来吸取教训。